y to identify the problem. 4 Check the tests for liver function: the total protein (TP), the cholesterol (CHOL), and the total bil irubin (TBILI). Normal TP should be between 5.2 and 7.8 gm/dL and lower levels may indicate poor nutrition or an infection. Elevat ed levels of TP can point to a viral infection. Results between 0.0 and 0.4 mg/dL of TBILI are considered normal and elevated leve ls can mean that the dog has a diseased liver. 5 Check if the levels of Thyroxine (T4) in your dog are between the normal ranges: 1107 1.0 and 4.7 ug/dL. Abnormal levels may mean your dog has hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism. 6 Check the lipase (LIP) levels. Resul ts between 200 and 700 U/L indicate your dog is healthy. Otherwise, the dog may have pancreatitis.Obsessive Licking A dog rarely b budget mobile phones egins licking obsessively from out of the blue. Many reasons exist for obsessive licking, including boredom, dry or broken skin, p .
issues. At first, the licking might seem to have no causative factor; however, taking a moment to make a closer examination will u sually reveal a telltale sign either on your dog or in his environment. Allergies Dogs, like people, can have food allergies and a llergies to things in their environment. Dogs can be allergic to grass or to the agents with which people treat the grass. In addi tion, dogs may have allergies to processed food, such as corn or beef in their kibble. Dogs with food allergies often chew on thei 1183 r feet and pasterns to relieve the itching caused by such allergies. Boredom and Stress A dog with nothing to do will frequently l ick at its front legs, toes and dewclaws. One theory is that licking releases endorphins, chemicals released by the body to reduce budget mobile phones pain and cause a person to "feel good." Because the dog feels better when it licks itself, it continues to lick despite causing d .
may prevent him from licking those areas. Dry Skin Dogs that do not receive sufficient fat in their diet will sometimes lick comp ulsively at a portion of their bodies. Adding fat or oil supplements to your dog's food can help reduce the itching caused by dry skin. Long or Broken Dewclaws Pain can cause a dog to lick at an area; broken or damaged nails may also cause a dog to lick at its paws. If your dog is licking his dewclaws, it may mean that he caught it on something and either broke the nail or tore the skin. 1178 Dewclaws that have been partly torn away from the dog's leg might need a veterinarian's attention. Torn or broken dewclaws can al so lead to infection, which in turn may encourage your dog to lick at his dewclaws. Parasites People with dogs tend to think of fl budget mobile phones eas when they think of parasites. However, ticks can sometimes embed themselves between a dog's toes. If your dog is chewing at hi .
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