ading to further skin problems, itchiness and a rancid odor. Types and Causes Primary idiopathic seborrhea is a hereditary conditi on, usually seen in certain breeds, including the American cocker spaniel, English springer spaniel, Labrador retriever, German sh epherd, West Highland white terrier, basset hound, Irish setter and Shar-pei, according to WebMD. In dogs affected by primary idio pathatic seborrhea, the genetic disease actually causes the symptoms of itchiness, oily skin and hair loss. Secondary seborrhea re 1273 sults from a primary, underlying medical condition, and is merely a symptom of another disease. Medical conditions such as skin al lergies, a hormonal or endocrine disorder, such as hyperthyroidism or pancreatic disease, and nutritional deficiencies can all cau budget mobile phones se secondary seborrhea. While you can cure secondary seborrhea by treating the underlying medical condition, you can only control .
results in intense itching and hair loss, primarily near the base of the tail, back, thighs, and stomach, when your dog scratches at the fleas. Other types of skin parasites can also result in seborrhea, such as the demodectic mange mite, which mainly affects younger dogs, the cheyletiella mite, sarcoptic mange mite and skin lice. Treating the dog with a topical flea-control product that also targets certain types of mites or lice usually clears up the parasite problem and the seborrhea, requiring no further medica 1523 tion. Diagnosis and Treatment To diagnose seborrhea, a veterinarian will take a skin cytology by scraping the skin, perform a phys ical examination, take blood tests and possibly take a skin biopsy. Once the veterinarian determines the cause of the seborrhea, h budget mobile phones e will prescribe medication or therapy to treat any possible underlying medical conditions. For secondary infections of the skin, .
ngredients such as coal tar, salicylic acid, sulfur and benzoyl peroxide to remove scales from the skin and excess oil. Certain le ave-on conditioners contain ingredients to soothe the dog's itching and provide antibacterial or antifungal relief for secondary i nfections.Physical Exam When a puppy is diagnosed with heartworm, your veterinarian should conduct a full physical exam before beg inning treatment. This will help determine the severity of the infestation. It will also help your vet determine if your puppy is 1876 strong enough to handle the treatments. If your puppy's overall health is good, your vet can continue with the treatment. Hospital Stay Regardless of which treatment your puppy receives, a hospital stay may be necessary. This will allow your vet to monitor the budget mobile phones treatment that your puppy receives. It will also give your puppy the rest he needs to allow the dead worms to be absorbed by his .
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