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to remove the built-up tartar. To perform this procedure, the dog will be anesthetized and an ultrasonic scaler will be used to re move the tartar. Diabetes Diabetes strikes many older dogs, especially obese ones. Symptoms of diabetes include eating and drinkin g large quantities, urinating frequently and weight loss. Dogs with diabetes can suffer from blindness, seizures and a loss of cir culation to their limbs, causing sores that don't heal. Kidney disease is also common among diabetic dogs. Veterinarians can treat 1460 diabetes using injectable insulin and a strict diet. There is no cure for diabetes.1 Apply sunscreen to protect your dog's skin f rom the damaging rays of the sun. Sunscreens specifically made for dogs are preferred. Vet's Best and Top Performance are two choi budget mobile phones ces sold in pet stores. 2 Put a sweater on your dog when it's cold outside. Hairless dogs don't have any fur to protect them from .

dirt or other debris from coming into contact with the skin. Because hairless dogs don't have this layer of protection, it's impor tant to keep their skin clean to prevent problems from developing. 4 Apply lotion after giving your dog a bath. Hairless dogs are especially prone to dry skin, so it's important to keep them moisturized. Make sure the lotion doesn't contain lanolin, because so me breeds of hairless dogs are allergic to it. Doggie lotions are available on the market, or you can also use regular lotion as l 1471 ong as it doesn't contain chemicals or fragrances that can be irritating to your dog's skin. 5 Keep your dog primarily indoors. Ha irless dogs are not suited to being outside for long periods of time. They do best as indoor dogs that are taken outside only for budget mobile phones daily exercise and to do their business. 6 Keep an eye out for any health problems related to your particular breed. For example, .

g's ears checked before doing anything else. This is particularly important if the odor is accompanied by the dog scratching and s haking its head. If the smell is the result of an infection, your vet will be able to prescribe medication to clear it up. When yo ur dog's ears are free from infection, begin a regular ear cleaning regimen to keep them healthy. 2 Purchase a dog ear cleaning so lution either from your veterinarian or from a local pet store. Keep this solution and a supply of cotton balls close at hand when 1158 it is time to clean the dog's ears. You may also want to consider asking a friend or family member to help you, particularly if y our dog is prone to squirming. 3 Sit beside your dog and talk to it in a soothing tone of voice. If you are using an assistant, ha budget mobile phones ve him gently hold the dog in place. Moisten a cotton ball with the ear cleaning solution and use it to wipe the inner surface of .

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