ent of Nuclear Sclerosis Most vets do not treat nuclear sclerosis. It is not a major medical problem. Since it does not affect the vision like cataracts, treatment is neither necessary nor recommended.What is Silica Gel? Silica gel, patented nearly a century a go for use in gas masks, is made from quartz sand, or silica dioxide. The gel is highly absorbent and capable of drawing water mol ecules without any chemical reaction, structural change or side effects. Even when saturated with water, silica gel keeps its dry 1252 surface. Today, chemical manufacturers make granules of silica gel and sew them into small plastic bags used to keep fabrics, leat hers, pills and other new products dry during storage and shipping. The Dangers of Silica Gel The American Society for the Prevent budget mobile phones ion of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) notes that silica gel is nontoxic. That means it's incapable of causing serious poisoning in mos .
gel, she could become very ill. Plus, the plastic satchel containing the silica gel could become lodged in the intestine and cause a bowel obstruction. When to Visit the Vet Consult your dog's veterinarian if your pet has eaten significant amounts of silica ge l, or if he's a smaller breed who swallowed an entire packet whole. Otherwise, observe your dog for 24 hours, noting any vomiting, diarrhea or observable discomfort. If your pet vomits quickly after eating, or if he has small or no bowel movements 12 to 24 hou 1347 rs after ingesting the packet, he could have a bowel obstruction, and he'll need immediate medical attention. Poison Control Cente rs Your local SPCA or municipal animal shelter often has medical experts on staff to take phone calls and answer questions on pote budget mobile phones ntial household toxins your dog might have consumed. The ASPCA also maintains its National Animal Poison Control Center at the Uni .
tions may ask to charge your credit card for their services.Spray Ticks Attached to Pets 1 Locate the tick attached to your pet's body. You will often find ticks in the head, neck, ears and anal areas of your pet. 2 Spray each tick from a few inches away, usin g the brand of tick spray designed for your pet and recommended by your veterinarian. Mist the tick, and the spray should kill it within a few seconds. The tick will fall from your pet's skin and hair in reaction to the spray. For ticks near the animal's nose, 1308 mouth or eyes put a bit of spray on a cotton ball and apply the spray by dabbing. 3 Collect each tick as it drops to the floor an d dispose of it. Do not pick the ticks up with your bare hands; use disposable plastic gloves. 4 Spray other areas of your pet's c budget mobile phones oat lightly to kill any hidden ticks. You might have missed some ticks, as they can be hard to locate when hidden by a dog or cat' .
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