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that the activity also relives stress. However, the chase may result in physical injuries, because your dog may bump into objects while it is focusing on shadows and ignores the other items in its environment. The obsessive behavior makes your dog unresponsiv e and uninterested in food or other activities while it is engaged in the chase. This may affect its health and even your relation ship with your pet. When to Seek Help Seek help when you notice that your dog is chasing shadows repeatedly and this becomes a com 1509 pulsive behavior. The dog needs help when it doesn't have control over its behavior, it doesn't respond when you call it and it fa vors shadow chasing to playing with you. You should also visit a veterinarian if your dog gets into frequent accidents due to shad budget mobile phones ow chasing. Treatment Options Consult a veterinarian and establish the right amount of exercise your dog needs and ensure it gets .

ually expose it to noises and reward it when it displays the desired behavior. You may also try to distract your dog with a noise, such as with pebbles in a can, when you notice it is preoccupied with shadows, and you should leave the room, which can be an ups etting experience. In this way, over time, the dog may associate its behavior with a negative experience and will be less likely t o engage in it. In extreme cases, a veterinarian may recommend medication such as clomipramine to eliminate obsessive-compulsive b 1348 ehaviors.Allergies Dogs can develop allergies just as humans can. Dogs may develop allergies to food, carpet in your home or even items found outside, such as certain plants. Allergic reactions may also stem from animal or insect bites. Inspect your dog's eyes budget mobile phones or other areas of its body for bite marks. This could be causing an allergic reaction in your dog. Never try to treat an allergic .

uire more eye care than others. Dogs with lots of long fur around their eyes will benefit from a trim as this will help prevent ha ir and other particles from irritating the eye. Ask your vet if your particular breed of dog requires extra eye care. Dogs with ex cess skin around the eyes may benefit from drops or other special cleaners to help prevent the buildup of bacteria. Pink Eye Dogs, like humans, can develop pink eye. Pink eye is the result of a bacteria that the dog picks up from another animal or insect. Some 1105 times pink eye can be directly related with other illnesses in canines, so it's best to get your dog to the vet as soon as you pos sibly can in order to prevent sometimes fatal illness. Keep your dog up to date on all vaccinations, and use flea and tick prevent budget mobile phones ative to ward off potential illnesses that come from these insects. Home Remedies It's possible that your vet may give you a list .

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