ner you must limit dangerous or aggravating activity until the vet gives permission. 5 Seek followup care until you and your vet r esolve the cause of your dog's lameness. Certain diseases or afflictions improve or worsen over time. Report any changes in your d og's condition to the vet immediately rather than waiting for more serious symptoms to arise.Possible Causes A paw injury may resu lt in limping. Possible paw problems include abrasions, lacerations, punctures, burns and blisters to the pads or splinters and ob 1105 jects stuck between toes. If the pads are dry or cracked, this may also cause pain. Arthritis is a common problem in middle-aged a nd senior canines. The condition is painful and your dog may limp and lick her feet. Other causes of limping may include closed fr budget mobile phones actures, ligament injuries, bone tumor, hip dysplasia or kneecap dislocation. Fleas can make your dog lick and chew her feet and t .
objects or symptoms such as bleeding and discoloration. Look for fleas, which may be visible in the dog's fur and will cause scra tching. Other symptoms of arthritis may include difficulty when performing certain moves and extended sleeping hours, and your pet may also hesitate to climb stairs. Depression, lack of appetite and a change in the dog's behavior may signal cancer. Diagnosing Limping Take your pet to the veterinarian and inform him about the additional symptoms of your pet. The veterinarian examines your 1201 pet and performs tests such as x-rays, if a fracture is suspected or a complete blood count to detect cancer or infections. Treat ment Options If your pet has a paw or foot injury, disinfect the wound with an antibacterial wash, and bandage the foot. The dog m budget mobile phones ay chew the bandage, so place a cone collar around her neck to prevent this and facilitate the healing of the wound. If the wound .
be eliminated with insecticides, and the veterinarian may also recommend a cone collar to stop your dog from chewing and biting he r skin. Surgery is recommended if the pet has a fracture or bone tumor that is in the initial stages of development.Dietary Change s Diet is perhaps the most effective alternative treatment to surgery. Regulating the types of food dogs eat can lower insulin, wh ich is a culprit in the progression of canine insulinomas. The best diet includes high amounts of fat, protein and complex carbohy 1079 drates. Small meals spaced throughout the day help too. It is also best to avoid excessive exercises for you dog, and canned dog f ood is not recommended. Canned food contains too much sugar, which will promote insulin production. Pednisone Diet changes sometim budget mobile phones es do not work. Prednisone is a glucocorticoid that is administered at a dosage of .12mg per pound of the dog's body weight. The d .
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