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e Resources).Chewing & Scratching Take note if your pet chews and scratches his skin. The first sign of a flea problem is your pet 's repeated chewing and scratching on its skin. Constant scratching can lead to patches of hair loss, as well as red, irritated sk in. Fleas also can cause skin allergies. Look at the area that is bothering your pet, as well as its belly where the fur is thinne r -- you might see a flea moving through its coat. It will be about the size of a small grain of rice and a dark brown or black in 1326 color. Flea Dirt Check your pet thoroughly for flea dirt -- which is flea feces. This is one of the most accurate methods in dete cting a flea problem, as it is not always easy to find the fleas themselves. Have your pet stand or sit on a white piece of paper budget mobile phones and comb or rub through a section of hair. Black flecks that look like dirt will fall from the fur. Transfer the dirt to a moist p .

s likely that fleas are in your home or yard and on your pet. A simple way to test for fleas is to walk around in a pair of white socks. If fleas are present, chances are good you will collect a couple and they will be easy to see on the white fabric. Related Problems Fleas are linked to a host of other health problems. Take note of other health problems your pet is having -- these might be caused by fleas. Fleas are disease carriers and linked to a host of problems including flea allergy dermatitis, tapeworms and 2857 anemia. Contact your vet immediately for a diagnosis and treatment options.Flea Combs and Collars Flea combs are affordable suppli es available at any pet store. They are non-medicated and safe for puppies of any age. Flea collars, though available over the cou budget mobile phones nter, should not be use on small puppies unless under the direction of a veterinarian. Oral medication Oral flea and tick medicati .

s. Topical medication This is also a prescribed medication. To use it, target an area on your dog's skin where a flea or tick infe station is most dense and apply the serum there. As with oral medications, these can be harmful to puppies under 6 weeks. Other Su pplies Home remedies for flea and tick control for puppies are also an option. A dish detergent bath can help rid your dog of flea s and ticks, for example. As well, a concentration of vegetable oil and peppermint extract applied to your dog's fur can act as a 1626 tick repellent.Drinking Water Vinegar, when added to your dog or cat's drinking water, repels fleas and also helps to fight mange, according to the Easy Homemade Recipes website. Add a tablespoon of apple cider or white vinegar to your furry friend's water dis budget mobile phones h. Vinegar Spray Vinegar is a natural substance that repels fleas with its highly pungent odor and disagreeable taste. The Grandma .

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