stals in the dog's urine, he should take immediate action to avoid stones forming. Treatment Diet is the best way to treat the cry stals that show up in a dog's urine. Your veterinarian will prescribe a special diet and dog food that is designed to reduce the m inerals in the dog's urine that are causing the crystals and could cause kidney stones. Prevention The best ways to avoid the crys tals from forming in the dog is to make sure it is able to urinate when it needs to. Keeping a dog locked up for long periods of t 1736 ime and forcing it to hold its urine can lead to the crystals. A balanced diet with food that is not too high in calcium and other hard minerals will also help the dog avoid the crystals and kidney stones.1 Consider appropriate body condition for the animal to budget mobile phones determine if it is deficient. Animals will naturally lose weight during their natural life cycles when they have heavy caloric re .
ill decrease their voluntary intake or use extra energy for cooling. Correct these factors if possible to encourage calorie intake and reduce excessive energy loss. 3 Seek veterinary attention to determine whether a disease or parasitic condition may be causin g low body weight. Intestinal parasites and a number of diseases can cause weight loss. Correct conditions of this kind in order t o enable weight gain. 4 Consider social issues for animals living in groups. A small calf grouped with larger calves may have diff 1096 iculty getting to a feed trough to eat. Dogs or cats may need to be separated at feeding time to avoid one animal being pushed awa y from the food bowl. 5 Calculate the energy density of the animal feed or read the intake requirements of pet food. Measure the a budget mobile phones mount of feed ingested.For farm animals calculate the total energy intake and compare with requirements for the particular animal. .
hich your pet likes best and will readily eat. Some pets will eat more if food is heated, frequently fed or always available. 6 Re cord weight periodically to monitor progress. Assess body condition using scoring charts with the assistance of your veterinarian. Aim for gradual weight gain. If the animal will not eat enough of a particular food or ration for weight gain, increase energy de nsity.1 Gather all of your supplies to make them readily available as your treat your dog's minor cut. Make sure you are treating 1169 the cut indoors rather than outdoors so dirt will not get into the wound. 2 Apply a large amount of the K-Y or similar jelly to th e wound. This is to keep the wound covered while you cut the hair around the wound. 3 Use the electric hair clipper, razor blade, budget mobile phones or scissors to trim away all of the hair within an inch radius of the wound. You want to remove the hair to keep it from getting i .
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