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g infections. Talk to your vet if these symptoms are present. Hypothyroidism When a dog's thryroid is underactive, it will not pro duce enough of a hormone known as thyroglobulin. This will cause hair to fall out in patches, and the dog may seem lethargic and g ain weight. Consult the vet if your dog or puppy exhibits these symptoms. Ringworm Ringworm is a fungal infection, causing itching and hair loss in dogs. A dog with ringworm will have dry, crusty skin. It is easily treated with medication from the vet.1 Add wa 1169 rm water to your dog's dry food if it has difficulty chewing. This will soften the food enough that the dog will be able to eat mo re. 2 Offer canned dog food or raw dog food instead of dry food. The moisture and smell attracts dogs to these foods and makes the budget mobile phones m more appealing. Some owners prefer to mix canned food with dry food so that the dog is receiving optimal vitamins and minerals. .

ables such as onions, which can be harmful to dogs. 4 Place your dog's full food dish on the floor more than twice a day, or leave the dish out and full constantly. This will ensure that your dog is able to eat whenever it feels hungry. 5 Combine oatmeal, eggs or broth with your dog's food to provide a boost in calories.Breeding Owners interested in breeding their dog or cat can't produc e offspring if the animal is spayed or neutered. They might be professional dog breeders who specialize in selling purebred puppie 1336 s or creating "designer" mixed breeds. Owners of award-winning dogs and family pets alike might want to carry on the animal's seed to create a new generation. Also, some families might want to breed their dog to show their children the reproductive cycle and b budget mobile phones irthing process. Cost Sterilizing a pet requires surgery, which can be costly for the owner. Before surgery, both male and female .

Some owners see sterilizing their pets as mutilation as it takes away the natural reproductive organs. Owners might think neuterin g a dog takes away his manhood. Removing these parts will also change the animal's behavior and personality, some believe, includi ng that male dogs will become boring and "sissies," while spayed female animals will get fat. Health Risks Pet owners may shy away from sterilizing their animals because of the health risks associated with the surgery. Anytime an animal is put under anesthesia 1307 there are possible negative outcomes, including a bad reaction to the drug. Surgery openings may not heal properly or become infe cted. Also, according to The Dog Owner's Guide online magazine, dogs neutered before puberty might have differing physical charact budget mobile phones eristics from other dogs in its breed, including longer legs and narrower skulls. These differences might put more stress on joint .

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