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d disease. Another FDA approved use of tylosin is in honeybee colonies to control foulbrood. Foulbrood is a disease that affects t he larvae of the bees when they're less than three days old. It can eradicate a colony. To treatt, mix a small amount of Tylan pow der with a larger amount of confectioners sugar and feed it to the bees. The colony should finish with Tylan treatment at least fo ur weeks before honey-producing season begins. A Cosmetic Use of Tylan in Dogs Small, white dogs often experience tear staining on 1207 their face. A second use of tylosin in dogs, (particularly popular with owners of small, white dogs), is to treat and control tea r stains on the fur around their eyes. For this use, owners give a flavored chewable tablet containing tylosin, called Angel Eyes, budget mobile phones to their dog every day. The use of tylosin for strictly cosmetic purposes is controversial.Some have concern over the risk of cre .

ery day.Reproductive Cycle Female dogs who are pregnant are called "queens." When they give birth to a litter of puppies, it is re ferred to as "queening." The female dog has a reproductive cycle of three months with four phases. The first phase, proestrus, las ts from five to nine days and the external genitals become swollen and emit a bloody discharge. In phase two, estrus, ovulation oc curs for five to nine more days. In phase two the female dog mates with a male. Phase three is the diestrus period lasting two mon 1106 ths and phase four is the anestrus period lasting three months. During phase three and four the female dog cannot mate. Uterus Ear ly spaying cuts the risk of uterine, mammary and cervical cancer in female dogs. The uterus is where the fertilized eggs develops budget mobile phones into an embryo. The uterus of a female dog looks like a "Y" and the cervix is at the bottom of the "Y." The fertilized egg attache .

is located below the anus on a female dog. The vulva has two purposes: one is for the discharge of urine and the other as part of the mating cycle. The vulva swells when the female dog is ready to mate. The vulva's lips expel hormones to attract a male dog for mating. Part of the swelling function of the vulva is the beginning stimulation of the female dogs teats to produce milk for her litter. Ovaries Without ovaries a female canine can have puppies. The ovaries are where unfertilized eggs form. The fallopian tube 1451 s carry the egg to the sperm of the ejaculating male dog for fertilization. Once fertilized, the eggs continue to travel to the ut erus. There are two ovaries in the female dog's reproductive system. Within the ovary, the eggs mature in a fluid-filled sac. The budget mobile phones follicles or the sac holds the eggs until phase two of the reproduction cycle. Within the ovary are oviducts. The oviducts move th .

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