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d racing and 43 states have outlawed it is testament to the fact that dog racing is a cruel and debilitating business. Across the country, thousands of greyhounds are killed in racing accidents, transportation and training every year. Those dogs that are not u sed for racing are either euthanized or forced into already overcrowded animal shelters. To save space, the dogs are kept in tiny kennels barely big enough for them to turn around. To further reduce costs, substandard 4-D meat (meat that comes from animals tha 1544 t are diseased, dying, dead or disabled) is fed to the dogs, ensuring that their nutritional needs are not met and their teeth are in need of dental care. Marine Mammals in Captivity Dolphins and orca in marine mammal acts are kept in small, cement pools where budget mobile phones their echolocation is rendered useless, effectively causing them muteness and deafness. The whale in "Free Willy" stole the heart .

ized for his part in fooling Americans into thinking that dolphins are happy-go-lucky animals who enjoy interacting with people. I n actuality, the harvest of live dolphins in the sea is violent and cruel, separating pods of dolphins and killing many in the pro cess.According to In Defense of Animals, "one capture method involves chasing dolphins to the point of exhaustion with high-speed boats. The dolphins are then netted and dragged aboard. Undesirable dolphins (the old, the very young, the weak, injured or sick) 1435 are thrown back into the sea, while the young, healthy specimens that meet aquarium specifications are kept for sale and transport ." The Animals in Entertainment Argument Small calves have their necks broken and suffer devastating injuries during rodeo events. budget mobile phones The argument against animals in entertainment is deeply rooted in the philosophy that animals are here for their own purposes. Th .

ntained for the comfort of the visitors, not the animals, which sometimes exhibit stress behaviors. Rodeos are notoriously cruel e vents where a small calf, running at speeds up to 27 miles per hour, is jerked by the neck, resulting in devastating injuries incl uding "punctured lungs, internal hemorrhaging, paralysis and broken necks," according to Born Free USA, an entertainment industry watchdog group.Shampoo Save money by using human shampoo to treat your dog's fur, kill fleas and prevent future infestation. The k 1766 ey is adding essential oils to the shampoo before applying it to the dog. Any combination of essential oils, such as lavender, pin e, rosemary, cedar, juniper, citronella and eucalyptus will work. Begin by working up a lather on the dog's neck, then continue th budget mobile phones e process working backwards on the dog's body. The lather will kill the fleas. Homemade Spray Creating a homemade spray of water a .

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