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oms. Joint Problems Joint pain is often a tell-tale Lyme disease symptom. Joint pain in one or more of the legs can cause lameness in the animal. Animals will feel stiff and often have difficulty moving or refuse to move at all. Rash Another symptom is a skin rash known as erythema migrams or EM. This rash can occur on the bite itself or other areas of the body. Animals with heavy fur ma y have a rash that goes undetected. Swollen Lymph Nodes Similar to humans, when an animal is sick their lymph nodes will swell. Ha 1489 ve a veterinarian check for swollen lymph nodes on your animal if you suspect it's ill. Neurological Issues In horses, neurologica l issues have been associated with a Lyme disease infection. Some of these can include head tilting, problems swallowing and wande budget mobile phones ring. This is due to inflammation of the nervous system from the Lyme infection that can cause other conditions such as encephalit .

ng your pet will cut down on unwanted pregnancy of these animals. Any trip to an animal shelter will show that there are thousands of animals that go without homes from such circumstances. Male Health Male pets that are neutered do not run the risk of testicul ar tumors or cancer. Since the testicles are removed, there is no way to develop such a condition. There is a lower risk for peria nal fistulas is neutered dogs. There are mixed results when it comes to whether neutered males are more likely to experience prost 1498 ate issues later on in life. It is important to note that prostate issues are not a prevalent condition in animals, regardless of whether they are neutered or not. However, there are higher cases of hypothyroidism and osteosarcoma in neutered males than there budget mobile phones are of intact males. Female Health If a female pet is spayed before she is sexually mature, she has a lower chance of getting ovar .

emales. Temperament Neutered males are less aggressive and less likely to leaving the yard to find a mate. These males are much le ss likely to spray their "scent," especially in the house. Females can become aggressive and protective of their young so if they are spayed, you will not run this risk. Intact females are more likely to leave the home when they are in heat than spayed females . Skeletal Changes When female pets are spayed, there is more of a chance that the pelvic bone and hips will shift. There is also 1350 more bone loss in spayed animals. If the animals are spayed or neutered and are still growing when the surgery is done, the growth plates in the bones may grow longer than they normally would after the surgery. All of these issues may result in joint issues la budget mobile phones ter on or disproportioned bodies. Surgical Complications All surgeries come with the possible risk of complications. Your pet may .

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