om your weight when holding it. The resulting number will be your dog's weight. If you are unable to lift your dog, call your vete rinarian's office and ask to use the scale there. Otherwise, get your dog's weight at its next appointment. 6 Compare your dog's w eight with the breed's average weight. Take into consideration whether your dog's height is more or less than average.Shampoos and Dips Wash your dog with a shampoo that discourages ticks and fleas. Look for shampoos and dips that contain pyrethrum, a natural 1456 insecticide derived from flowers that kills ticks and leaves no residue behind. Look for a shampoo mild enough to use regularly on your dog. Follow up with an effective tick dip. Chemical-based dips should not be used more than two or three times a year, but t budget mobile phones here are herbal dips you can make that are gentler. All these measures get rid of existing ticks and protect your dog from getting .
methrin, a synthetic chemical that lasts longer than the natural pyrethrum. They are also waterproof, and will protect your dog fr om fleas and mosquitoes, as well as ticks. The treatments are applied monthly and are usually sufficient to protect city dogs. Tic k Collars Tick collars are treated with Amitraz. If you spread it in the oil of the dog's skin and hair, within 24 hours it begins to kill existing ticks. It also will prevent new ticks for up to 90 days. Tick collars should be removed before bathing your dog, 1235 but are rainfall resistant. Control the Environment Make sure your dog's sleeping quarters are clean and free of ticks. Use a che mical room fogger to kill existing ticks, and vacuum the area thoroughly to eliminate any dead matter. Treat the dog's sleeping ar budget mobile phones ea with a tick repellent spray or powder. For a natural tick repellent that can be used directly on bedding, scatter pine needles, .
are not still lodged in the dog's skin. Treat the bite with a dab of antiseptic ointment to control the itch.Hot Spots Defined Hot spots are circular, hairless lesions on dogs that are intensely itchy, raw and moist. These can be very painful and are often fou nd on the chest, hip and head areas of dogs. Hot spots often become very inflamed, and grow very quickly, due to dogs biting, scra tching and licking the area. While hot spots can indeed happen to any breed of dog, dogs with dense undercoats and long hair are m 1190 ost often impacted. Causes Flea bites may be a primary cause of hot spots. Bites from mites and other insects can also cause these lesions. According to the ASPCA, dogs who are not groomed regularly or who are groomed poorly and have dirty, matted fur are pron budget mobile phones e to hot spots. Allergies, such as to foods and laundry detergent, are another common cause of acute moist dermatitis due to the i .
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