d bugs in from outside, or that it caught bed bugs from another animal. As of early 2011, there has yet to be any scientific evide nce to indicate that bed bugs transmit any type of disease. Examining the Area Bed bugs are typically nocturnal, hiding in mattres ses and behind and under furniture during the day, and emerging at night to feed. It's best to look for them in the daytime, as th ey'll be easier to spot with the human eye. Examine areas of the house where your dog sleeps, taking care to look between the seam 1667 s of any pet bed and piece of furniture that your dog may sleep or lay on. Look for actual bed bugs, small clusters of bed bug egg s, or fecal marks they may have left behind. Inspecting Your Home After you've searched around where your dog sleeps, do a broad i budget mobile phones nspection of your home to identify other bed bug hiding places. After all, they can crawl from 10 to 20 feet, so nowhere in your h .
too thorough when searching out bed bugs. Eliminating Bed Bugs If bed bugs are located, treatment by a pest control professional i s the safest way to proceed for both your health and your pets. Also, it will ensure that your home is cleared of bed bugs, even i f it takes multiple visits from pest control. As with any pet issue, it's advised that you consult your veterinarian. Not only are veterinarians armed with information on all matters relating to your pet, chances are they've likely dealt with other dog owners 1442 who have bed bugs. They should be able to give you the name of pest control professionals in your area.1 Clean the fur around the dog's eye. Soak a washcloth in warm water and then squeeze it out so it is damp instead of wet. Gently wipe the fur surrounding th budget mobile phones e eye to remove any dried discharge. 2 Lift the dog's upper eyelid gently while tipping its head back. Apply a few drops of eye wa .
ye, which makes the eye more susceptible to viruses and dirt. 4 Call your vet if the eye condition does not improve in two or thre e days. Your dog may need antibiotic drops if it is an infection or an antihistamine if the eye is being affected by allergies.Is Your Dog's Condition Getting Worse and Not Responding to Treatment? If your dog has cancer, ulcers or other health issues, consult with your veterinarian about whether the treatment is working. If the dog continues to suffer despite your best efforts and the v 1639 et's, it may be time to consider humane euthanasia. Has the Dog's Personality Changed? Dogs have personalities just like people an d that personality can change with illness or chronic pain. If the dog suddenly whines more often, does not move about as frequent budget mobile phones ly, begins to wet the floor suddenly or stops greeting visitors, it is definitely time to speak with your veterinarian. The dog ma .
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