ng exam. Treatment Treatment depends on cause. Vestibular toxicity from ear infections is treated with antibiotics or antifungals. Cases caused by medication are treated by stopping the medication. The main dangers to dogs with this condition are nausea and se condary injury. Anti-nausea medication is usually necessary for the dog to continue eating and drinking. Feeding and watering may have to be done by hand. The dog will be distressed and disoriented, and must remain calm and protected from self-injury. A dog re 1732 ceiving treatment should recover within two weeks. If the condition progresses to vomiting or seizures, it is getting worse and ve stibular toxicity may be a misdiagnosis.1 Allow your veterinarian to regularly clean your dog's teeth. While in the clinic, your p budget mobile phones et will be anesthetized so that the vet can closely examine its teeth and gums, probe for any pockets or abscesses, and remove all .
o not use human toothpaste as it contains chemicals that may cause your pet gastrointestinal upset. 3 Feed your pet hard kibble an d treats such as baby carrots or raw apple. The hard food scrapes off the plaque and bacteria causing halitosis that accumulates o n teeth. 4 Purchase dental chews or chew toys for your pet to gnaw on during the day. Besides removing plaque, dental chews often contain special flavors to alleviate bad breath. 5 Allow your veterinarian to inoculate your dog with the porphyromonas vaccine. A 1520 pproved in 2008 by the Federal Drug Administration for use in canines, the vaccine kills the bacterium that causes the plaque lead ing to periodontal disease and halitosis. You can make this a part of your dog's annual vaccination schedule. 6 Give your dog cani budget mobile phones ne biscuits containing activated charcoal. The activated charcoal binds and absorbs the bad breath odors caused by eating the wron .
onic pain and inflammation in your dog, and to reduce the presence of prostaglandins in trauma-related injuries. Side Effects The most serious side effect to be aware of is toxicity. This is usually because of an overdose of naproxen. Other side effects may in clude a bleeding ulcer, stomach irritation or possible kidney problems. In most cases, your veterinarian will opt for other altern atives with fewer side effects. Symptoms of Toxicity Some things to watch for in your dog are loss of appetite; black, tarry stool 1814 s; vomiting (sometimes with blood); lethargy; abdominal pain; and dehydration. If you notice anything out of the ordinary, discont inue use and call your veterinarian Dosage The suggested dosage for dogs is 1.1 to 2.2 mg to be given once a day or every other da budget mobile phones y, depending on the size of your dog. The duration of treatment is dependent upon your dogs particular condition being treated. Pr .
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