completely alleviate the disease.Home Care 1 Treat your home by eliminating or reducing the dog's exposure to the allergen. For ex ample, if your dog is allergic to mold, you may need to have your home professionally treated to reduce some of the mold. Dust is another common allergen that can be reduced by dusting more often. 2 Look into high-efficiency particulate air and charcoal filter s. A filter can help reduce allergens in the air. 3 Groom your dog more often. This includes bathing your dog more often to remove 1446 any possible allergens that could be on your dog's coat. Frequent ear cleanings should also be done to keep your dog's ears clean and avoid ear infections. 4 Avoid letting your dog go outside for excessive amounts of time if its skin allergy is due to insect budget mobile phones bites. Some dogs have excessive allergic skin reactions due to a hypersensitivity to flea, spider or mosquito bites. 5 Do not feed .
inarian about performing a skin or blood allergy test. The test can help the veterinarian determine what allergen your dog is alle rgic too. This expands your treatment options. 7 Follow prescriptions that are prescribed by your veterinarian. Medications that c an be given orally at home can help reduce itching. 8 Look into allergy shots or vaccines. If the allergen is known, your or your veterinarian can administer injections under the dog's skin. The injections are called immunotherapy and can be given to dogs for 1556 life to help reduce itching.1 Provide injured dogs with a lot of attention and as much activity as they can handle. Boredom and an xiety cause many dogs to chew on an injured body part. Activities such as walks and tug of war that distract their attention from budget mobile phones injuries can prevent chewing. 2 Ask you veterinarian for an anti-lick cream, spray or ointment with a bad taste that discourages y .
quire while distracting them from their injuries. 4 Request medication for your dog that calms and prevents anxiety during the hea ling process. Sedatives or tranquilizers can keep dogs from biting injuries until wounds have healed enough to stop bothering them . Pet stores also offer calming agents such as dog biscuits containing valerian and chamomile. 5 Cover your dog's injury with fabr ic wraps such as booties or vet wrap. Vet wrap is a fabric tape that sticks to itself and is designed to wrap around bandages and 1657 wounds over areas that are small or large. 6 Buy an Elizabethan collar and place it over your dog's head. An Elizabethan collar is a cone shaped device that fits around the neck to keep dogs from reaching injuries and hot spots. Monitor your dog carefully, as budget mobile phones it may bump into its surroundings when wearing one. Homemade collars that serve the same purpose but allow dogs more freedom inclu .
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