Well Vet recommend aloe vera juice for dogs, cats and birds, primarily to treat burns, wound care, to boost the immune system, con stipation and for inflammatory bowel disorders. The drops can be given in water, food or just administered orally. Their suggested dosage is one to three drops of aloe vera juice per pound of dog. The dosage is to be administered twice a day and is intended to reduce bowel inflammation and cleanse the digestive tract. Cautions The American Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (AS 1269 PCA) however, cautions that because aloe contains saponins, which can produce diarrhea, vomiting, the loss of appetite, depression or possibly tremors in many animals, aloe vera juice treatment is not recommended. Because there are no clinical studies availabl budget mobile phones e to prove the positive or negative effects of using aloe vera juice for a dog's digestive symptoms, it's important to consult you .
onsumers, it's also possible to create your own juice for digestive treatments. Well Vet suggests that the succulent stalk-like le aves of the aloe vera plant can be squeezed to produce small amounts of juice from the tip or placed in a food processor to create a pulp for juice extraction. Well Vet also notes that organically grown aloe vera plants are the best candidates for juice extrac tion and treatment. Underlying Digestive Issues Veterinarians at Vet Info discuss a variety of medical conditions that can cause d 1681 igestive symptoms in dogs. In many cases, the underlying medical condition needs to be treated to eliminate the digestive symptoms . Treating conditions like a bowel obstruction or even a parasite with aloe vera juice does not address the medical condition caus budget mobile phones ing the problem. Therefore, even if the aloe vera juice has no harmful side effects, it will be unable to cure the ailment.Canine .
re mostly seen in puppies and elderly dogs. Epilepsy Epilepsy is a disease that causes periodic seizures. Excitability seems to tr igger most seizures in dogs, which last approximately 5 minutes, while some dogs experience restlessness before the condition. Epi lepsy is treated with oral and intravenous (IV) medications to reduce frequency and severity of the seizures. Blastomycosis Blasto mycosis is a fungal disease that invades the lungs and spreads throughout the body, particularly in the bones and testes. Symptoms 1130 include weight loss and skin lesions. Lesions can appear on all parts of the body and are usually open and draining. Blastomycosi s is treated with oral and IV antifungal medications. Demodectic Mange Demodectic mange is caused by small mites that invade the d budget mobile phones og's hair follicles. The mites bite the dog, causing crusty, red skin lesions to appear all over the dog's body along with hair lo .
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