y bowel disease and intestinal obstruction, so it is important that your dog gets medical attention if it is exhibiting these sign s.1 Take your dog to the veterinarian. This should always be your first step when you suspect your dog has a maggot infestation. F ollow your veterinarian's advice. 2 Locate the maggots on your dog. The maggots will be on a part of the dog's coat that is moist, infected, wounded, covered in urine/fecal matter or otherwise decaying. 3 Use an electric razor on the lowest setting to shave th 1087 e fur where the maggots are located. This will allow you to see the maggot infestation more fully. 4 Remove the maggots from your dog's skin one at a time. Since there can be dozens or hundreds of maggots, you might be doing this for several hours. Place the m budget mobile phones aggots in a bucket as you remove them. Tweezers can help you get maggots that have burrowed under the skin. 5 Spread a mild insect .
ecticide over the maggots to kill them. 7 Bring your dog back to the veterinarian for another examination. The underlying cause ma y need more attention or an infection might develop.Mild Cases 1 Withhold food for 24 hours for mild cases of pancreatitis. Mild p ancreatitis is often caused by eating fatty foods. This allows any foods that are causing the symptoms to pass through. Essentiall y, this cleanses your dogs digestive system. 2 Reintroduce food to your dog after 24 hours. Make sure that the meals are very smal 2870 l and that you give them to your dog frequently. 3 Do not give your dog any kind of high-fat food while it is recovering from panc reatitis. Fatty food might be the reason that your dog developed pancreatitis in the first place and would be counteractive in hel budget mobile phones ping your dog recover. Moderate to Severe Cases 4 Withhold food for 24 to 72 hours for moderate and severe cases of pancreatitis. .
fluid therapy will be necessary to keep your dog hydrated. Dogs that cannot have food for five to six days need nutritional supple mentation, which involves having a tube placed in the small intestines to administer food. In severe cases, a plasma transfusion m ay be needed. 6 Make sure that the veterinarian office has your phone number. You will want to stay informed on how your dog is do ing. If your dog takes a turn for the worse, your veterinarian will need to be in contact with you to determine what action to tak 1340 e. For legal reasons, veterinarians may need permission from the owner to treat the pet even with life-saving measures, such as tr ansfusions. Medication and Special Diets 7 Give your dog medication that your veterinarian prescribes. Antiemetics, or antinausea budget mobile phones medication, may be given to help treat pancreatitis. Other medications may include antibiotics, antacids and analgesics. If your v .
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