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Time The recovery time for any treatment varies depending on what stage the disease is at. There are three main treatments for he artworms: Immiticide, which is fast kill, Heartguard, which is slow kill, and the surgical method -- reserved only for high-risk p atients who would not survive otherwise.The slow kill consists of treating the infected pet monthly for up to a year. The fast kil l treatment will only kill 50 percent of the heartworms -- only the males are killed after a single dose. A number of fast kill do 1088 ses are required for tall the worms to be killed. Side Effects of the Treatment Every treatment has its side-effects. Work with a veterinarian to determine which treatment is the best for your pet to minimize its side-effects.Although the slow kill method is c budget mobile phones onsidered a gentler method than the fast kill, there is a small risk of the dog getting pulmonary emboli or even death.The Immicit .

edies are not intended to replace traditional medicine treatments. They should be used in conjunction with your veterinarian's tre atment. Natural treatments may mean that your pet does not have to go through surgery, but it may also mean that the treatment wil l be longer. A veterinarian will also advise you if following the natural route is appropriate. If the case is urgent and serious, the use of natural remedies may not be appropriate.1 Determine the cause of the stains. If the stains are worse after the poodle 1050 eats, it may be allergic to something in its diet. Try changing the animal's food to see if the tearing diminishes. It helps to id entify the cause of the tears, but even if you can't, you can take steps to diminish or remove the stains. 2 Make a weak cup of bl budget mobile phones ack tea by using one tea bag and leaving it in the cup of water for 10 to 15 seconds. Allow the tea to cool. 3 Soak a microfiber c .

staining. 4 Purchase an eyewash kit at a pet store. These kits often don't contain harsh chemicals that can burn your poodle's ey es. An eyewash kit may contain two products--one to remove the brown stains around your pet's eyes and another to combat bacteria in the tear ducts. 5 Hold your poodle's eyes open and drip the eyewash into the eyes. Eyewash is commonly boric acid-based, which is an antiseptic that helps remove the stains. The eyewash is sold in droppers, making it easy to apply to your pet's eyes. This s 1188 olution will also open up clogged ducts. 6 Apply a second type of eyewash, commonly a saline solution. This solution will work aga inst the germs in the eye and eye duct and prevent further tearing and stains. 7 Consult your veterinarian if the problem persists budget mobile phones .Puppy Strangles This skin disorder is also called juvenile cellulitis and generally occurs in newborn puppies between the ages of .

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