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cca. Eye infections are often characterized by any type of unusual discharge. However, it should be noted that yellow discharge ca n also signify that dry eye is already occurring. Immune Disorders Certain immune disorders can attack and destroy the tear ducts of the eye and also attack the tear glands themselves, resulting in decreased production of tears. When this occurs, dry eye is in evitable and many dogs also develop secondary eye infections as a result. Self-Inflicted Injury Unfortunately, dry eye can be the 1561 result of the dog's own actions. For example, if there is a piece of dirt or even a hair within the eye that is irritating the dog , the dog may repeatedly paw at its eye to remove it. This repeated pawing can cause damage to the eye, such as physical trauma or budget mobile phones infection, which in turn can damage the tear ducts and glands, resulting in dry eye. Treatment for Dry Eye in Dogs Treatment for .

ent additional damage to its eyes.1 Open your dogs afflicted eye with your fingers. Avoid touching the mucus membranes. 2 Drop a s ingle drop of cod liver oil into the eye. 3 Press the eye shut gently, and hold the eye closed for a few seconds. 4 Repeat this pr ocess three times per day until the itching subsides. 5 Consult a veterinarian if the itching does not subside; this could be a si gn of canine allergies. Your veterinarian can prescribe a treatment to alleviate the itching.Pumpkin Canned pumpkin is an excellen 1138 t source of fiber for dogs. You can supplement it with your dog's regular food, or serve it separately as a treat. Feed your dog c anned pumpkin only in small doses, because too much pumpkin may lead to diarrhea. Leafy Greens Leafy greens provide humans and dog budget mobile phones s with essential vitamins and nutrients. These vitamins and nutrients are essential to the diet of any canine. Try feeding your do .

e to their natural sugar content, oranges may contribute to canine obesity if you make them a regular part of your dog's diet. An occasional orange snack, however, poses no health risks. Grapefruit can also serve as a healthy citrus snack. Peas Peas provide ca lcium, magnesium, potassium and other nutrients without harming your dog. Try mixing them into your dog's regular meal for added n utritional value. For best results, use fresh peas and avoid the frozen variety. Apples While apples can make a wonderful snack fo 1080 r dogs, they do come with one caveat: Apple seeds, in very large doses, can cause a dog's body to detoxify. For this reason, you s hould always core apples and cut them up before serving them. Like other fruits, you should serve apples to dogs in moderation. Ca budget mobile phones rrots Carrots also make an excellent addition to the canine diet. Raw carrots provide nutritional benefits and promote healthy tee .

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