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emperature, loss of appetite and bloating.1 Determine potential irritants within your home that may be causing a sinus infection. It's possible to introduce new substances in your home or yard that create allergic sinusitis. For example, air fresheners, perfum es, cigarette smoke, mold or excessive amounts of dust may trigger infection. Treating houseplants with insect sprays, or using pe sticides outdoors could bring on a sinus infection in dogs. Increased pollen production during the spring or fall months may be a 2867 contributing factor to a sinus infection. Change any one of these conditions, and your dog may make a speedy recovery. 2 Take appr opriate steps when possible to relieve sinus congestion, and make your dog more comfortable. Be sure pets have sufficient water to budget mobile phones drink. Warm chicken broth, or mix bouillon in warm water, and pour it over your dog's dry food to provide additional water in its .

t requiring medical attention. Don't ever try to treat your pet with medicine meant for humans. 3 Notify a vet if you still have c ause for concern, the situation worsens, or your dog has a bloody nose. A bloody nose could be an indication of a more serious con dition. A sinus infection can cause lack of appetite and a lower energy levels, in addition to congestion. It's possible for a dog to have a virus infection, which generally lasts only a short time, and can't be treated with antibiotics. 4 Follow all instructi 1697 ons and give your dog any medications provided by your vet. If the situation warrants it, a vet may perform a thorough examination , including sinus cavity x-rays. Your vet may prescribe anti-fungal medication or antibiotics, depending on the cause of the infec budget mobile phones tion.Diapers for Dogs Female dogs will produce a bloody discharge for several days during a heat cycle, which can be problematic f .

the discharge. Soothing Music Soothing music, such as classical music, can help calm a pet down during her heat cycle. However, ve terinarian Michael W. Fox notes that music that produces a vibrant beat or produces sounds that may be mistaken for other animals, can worsen the situation and cause the female to react in unwanted ways including humping objects, people or other pets. Extra At tention Additional attention can help take a female dog's mind off her sexual needs, according to The Doctors Book of Home Remedie 1855 s for Cats and Dogs. Even spending some additional time petting (or grooming, if that soothes the dog) can help calm a female dog dog down.Furthermore, the owner may want to consider giving the dog in heat some additional playtime indoors. This could include a budget mobile phones ny favorite games that the dog may enjoy. However, avoid going outdoors as her scent could attract male dogs from as far as 3 mile .

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