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d.1 Part your dog's fur to look for lice eggs or tiny insects. The lice are white in appearance and the eggs are white to light br own oval specs resembling a grain of sand. Make sure to check thoroughly the shoulders, ears, anus and neck; since these areas are most commonly associated with lice infestation. 2 Remove the hair covering the infested area. With a shaving tool, shave the hair down to the skin, leaving no room for the lice to inhabit and hide. 3 Soak your dog in a warm bath. Cover all areas of the dog wi 1833 th a pyrethrin-based shampoo. Wait approximately four to five minutes before rinsing the shampoo out. The pyrethrin shampoo is des igned to kill existing lice, but not eggs. 4 Clean your dog's sleeping quarters. Use carpet flea powder or a pyrehrin-based spray budget mobile phones on the areas where your pet sleeps. Remove the pet's bedding and wash them with hot water. 5 Repeat baths with pyrethrin shampoo w .

emove any dried discharge and help clear your dog's nose. The warm water will help open your dog's nasal passages, and the pepperm int oil will help clear its sinuses. Do this two to three times per day. You can also leave the wet cloth with peppermint oil near your dog while it sleeps to relieve its congestion with the peppermint. 2 Put children's saline nasal drops into your dog's nostr ils, using 1 to 2 drops per nostril. Wipe away any excess saline solution after a minute to allow the drops to enter the nasal pas 1797 sages and clear away discharge and reduce nasal irritation. Repeat this twice per day. 3 Place your dog in a bathroom with the doo r shut while you run hot water in your shower to create steam in the room. The steam in will alleviate some of your dog's congesti budget mobile phones on and help open her nasal passages. Confine your dog in the steamy bathroom for 10 to 15 minutes at a time, once per day. 4 Run a .

separately or along with its food. The warm liquid will keep your dog hydrated and the heat will help clear its nose. For all wet food meals, warm your dog's food for about 10 seconds in the microwave to intensify the smell. Dogs with stuffy noses cannot smell their food as well and may not eat because of this. 6 Run a HEPA air purifier near where your dog sleeps if your vet diagnoses th e cause of its congestion as allergies. The filter will eliminate allergens in the air to reduce your dog's allergic symptoms. Swi 1182 tch to hypoallergenic bedding to also help reduce your dog's exposure to possible allergens. 7 Administer a decongestant to your d og if your vet prescribes you one, following your vet's instructions. Your vet may prescribe either pseudoephedrine, theophylline budget mobile phones or terbutaline to treat your dog's congestion, according to Pet Place.Pet Insurance Many pet insurance plans are available for pet .

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