p, leading to coma. Symptoms of coma include irregular breathing, your pet becoming unresponsive to your voice or not moving limbs . Your pet's eyes will also close and remain closed. Death results when you avoid treatment. Action Washing your pet's mouth out w ith water will clear out excess bleach. Washing remaining bleach from your pet's fur can prevent skin burns. Giving milk can help dilute the bleach ingested. Avoid making your pet vomit, suggests Pet Well Being. Inducing vomiting can make your pet's lungs abso 1678 rb the bleach. Immediately seek the assistance of your veterinarian to treat your pet.1 Get your dog to the vet's office as soon a s possible. Together, you and your vet can try to determine what's causing the contact dermatitis. This condition has developed on budget mobile phones your dog's neck after coming into contact with a particular substance, such as cleaners, fertilizers or even certain flea medicat .
a bath and apply a topical flea medication. Also, clear fleas and flea eggs from your home. 3 Remove any irritants from your dog's environment that might be causing the contact dermatitis. This can be as simple as removing your dog's bedding, or as extensive a s switching to all-natural cleaners and fertilizers. 4 Use a medicated shampoo, supplied by your veterinarian, to bathe your dog. This shampoo will soothe and moisturize the skin on your dog's neck and allow it to heal. 5 Apply any topical treatments that your 1837 vet supplies for you. These medications can be applied directly to your dog's neck, or to any skin sores that have developed. The y will help reduce inflammation and promote healing.1 Keep your dog away from flea-infested animals. If you have multiple animals budget mobile phones in your household, separate and treat each animal for fleas promptly. 2 Treat your dog for fleas. Bathe your dog with a flea remov .
e veterinarian may give your dog a treated bath and possibly prescription medication to treat the fleas. 3 Treat your home and yar d for fleas. Vacuum your entire house multiple times per day. Focus extra attention in areas where your dog sleeps or visit's the most. Remove the bag from your vacuum and place it in a secure garbage bag immediately. Tie the bag into a secure knot to prevent any of the captured fleas inside the bag from escaping and reinfesting your property. Spray a store-brand insecticide on your lawn 1515 to get rid of any fleas that may be living in your yard. Read and follow all insecticide label directions carefully before applyi ng the product to your yard. 4 Confine your dog to a fenced-in yard to prevent it from hunting and eating wild animals, such as mi budget mobile phones ce, rats or rabbits, that commonly carry tapeworms. A dog that hunts on its own likely will develop tapeworms as a result, accordi .
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