s if they're rough or chapped. Check for small burs or abrasions on paw pads and between toes while you rub in the lotion. These c an cause irritation and make your dog bite at his paws, worsening the problem. 4 Apply lotion to dry spots, irritated areas or wou nds, and rub it into the skin. Continue to massage the area. According to Dr. Ernest Ward, a veterinarian writing for Pet Health, "Most topical preparations work better if they are gently massaged in for a few moments after application." 5 Give your dog a trea 1636 t and provide a distraction with feeding, playing or a walk. This will help to keep your pooch from licking off the lotion.Mental Distress Some dogs are sensitive to changes in their environment or family situation. A bored or depressed dog will often act leth budget mobile phones argic. Divorce and death or departure of a family member can trigger canine depression. A dog often acts lethargic when children i .
ptom of pyometra, which is an often deadly uterine infection. A heartworm infection can also cause a dog to appear listless. If yo u suspect your dog's lethargic behavior stems from an infection, take the dog's temperature to determine if it's running a fever. An adult dog's normal rectal temperature is between 100 and 102.5 degrees. Dehydration & Heatstroke Excessive vomiting or diarrhea , or overheating in hot weather, can cause sudden lethargy in dogs. A dog's body consists of up to 80 percent water. It aids numer 1265 ous body functions including digestion, circulation and helping to remove bodily wastes. A dog will become lethargic if the fluid levels in its body drops. If heatstroke occurs and a dog's body temperature becomes abnormally high, it can appear weak and depres budget mobile phones sed. Poor Nutrition The saying, "You are what you eat," is as true for dogs as it is for people. Dogs on a nutritious, balanced di .
heck food labels, if feeding commercial food, and consult a veterinarian for guidance.1 Add 1/8 tbsp. garlic powder to the dog's f ood for every 15 pounds the dog weighs. For instance, a dog that weighs 45 pounds would receive 3/8 tbsp. of the powder in his kib ble each day. 2 Introduce roughage to the dog's food in small amounts after two to three days of giving it the garlic powder. This could include 1/8 tbsp. insoluble fiber, such as wheat bran, carrots, sweet potatoes or pumpkins. 3 Continue to give the dog its 1264 garlic and roughage for two weeks. The roughage can slowly be increased on a weekly basis if the dog is tolerating it well. 4 Exam ine the dog's feces after two to three weeks. You should notice an increased number of tapeworms, which means the garlic is workin budget mobile phones g. 5 Continue to give the dog its garlic and roughage for up to two months. If the tapeworms are not gone, contact a veterinarian. .
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