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ly rotating them in short, circular strokes. Intersperse the circular stroke massage with the gentle stroking action to assist lym phatic drainage. 5 Massage downward along the neck, on either side of the spine, torso and the legs. Round up the massage by knead ing the limb muscles and gently stroking the dog's entire body.1 Moisten a soft cloth with warm water and use it to wipe your dog' s nose gently. Use a different dampened cloth to wipe mucus from around the dog's eyes. 2 Allow your dog to wait in the bathroom w 1403 hile you take a warm shower. The steam helps clear the nose of mucus, which may translate into less wiping for you. Keep the door closed while you shower to help contain the steam. 3 Massage the top of your dog's nose to help relieve irritation and congestion. budget mobile phones 4 Remove excess mucus from your dog's nose using an infant nasal aspirator. Insert just the tip of it into your dog's nostrils an .

mp cloth to areas of crusted-on mucus and moisten the mucus rather than initially attempting to wipe it away. By moistening this d ried mucus, you make it easier to clear. After moistening it, wipe the mucus away gently. 7 Ask a veterinarian for drops you can u se to clear persistent mucus inside your dog's eyes. Eye drops may help to relieve irritation and clear up any infections causing the mucus to build up in the eyes.1 Calm the dog if it responds to your voice and confine it to as level and restricted an area as 1047 possible. Taking the bull mastiff indoors is the best option. 2 Place ice in a towel or cloth and apply this pack to the affected area. Make sure that your dog will allow you to touch or manipulate his leg before kneeling and placing your face close to the an budget mobile phones imal's head. Your mastiff may bite, if he is experiencing severe pain. 3 Place a clean, non-stick pad over the sprain. 4 Place the .

t the bandage for pressure, by trying to place a finger beneath it. This bandage needs to be fairly tight, but not so tight that i t begins to restrict blood flow in the affected limb. 7 Use an adhesive tape to continue to wrap the bandage. Extend this adhesive tape beyond the existing bandage and onto the bull mastiff's fur, in order to secure the entire bandage to the leg. 8 Place a fla t stick on either side of the dog's leg, to create a splint. Use adhesive tape to secure the splints to the bandaging. The large f 1410 emur and humerus bones should not receive splints, which also work better on your mastiff's front legs.1 Determine the length by m easuring the distance from the your dog's hind legs to his waist. Make sure that your dog is relaxed while you are doing this to e budget mobile phones nsure you get an accurate measurement. Add an extra 5 inches to your measurement to determine the proper length for your dog's dia .

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