Avoid using insect sprays or pesticides in the same area as the puppies, and keep them away from household chemicals and cleaners . 3 Handle each puppy carefully and gently. Pick them up at least once a day and hold them in a variety of positions while speakin g softly to them. If possible, have other people pick up and talk to the puppies to get them used to new people. This will help so cialize them and get them used to humans. Keep doing this until the puppies are 3 weeks old. 4 Leave the litter with the mother as 1472 long as she remains interested. Keep the litter together for the first eight weeks to ensure that they learn how to play and inte ract with other dogs. 5 Take the puppies to visit different areas of the house and yard after they've reached 3 weeks of age and t budget mobile phones heir eyes are open. With albino chihuahua puppies, take special care not to expose them to strong sunlight. 6 Buy or make small do .
are at least 7 weeks old. Discuss any concerns with your veterinarian. 7 Visit a veterinarian with the litter of albino chihuahuas at 6 weeks, or earlier if any seem unhealthy. Six weeks is the proper age to begin deworming, start vaccinations and ensure the p uppies are healthy. You may want to have the veterinarian test for deafness, because this trait is more common in albinos. 8 Have the puppies spayed or neutered unless you plan to breed them. Inbreeding should be avoided because it can lead to physical and tem 1865 peramental defects. 9 Discuss the special needs of your albino chihuahua puppies with any potential adopters to ensure that the pu ppies receive a high standard of care. Make sure the new owners know the puppies are sensitive to sunlight and will need to wear a budget mobile phones shirt or sunscreen when going out. Avoid placing any chihuahua, especially an albino, with a family that has small, active childr .
ent of other animals, including cats. A higher-quality dog food may be the answer to your problem. 2 If there is no medical reason for coprophagy, keeping Fido out of Fluffy's litter can be as easy as a new litter box. Providing a covered litter box will give your cat the privacy it needs, as well as create a barrier from the dog. Placing the entrance to the litter box toward a wall or i nto a corner will further deter the dog from gaining access. 3 Installing a door chain can keep the litter box out of the dog's re 1245 ach. A closet, laundry room or bathroom with a door chain will allow the door to open just enough for the cat, but keep the dog ou t. 4 Baby gates placed in a doorway can be adjusted according to the size of your dog. Setting a gate slightly up off the floor wi budget mobile phones ll allow the cat to get under it, but keep a large dog out. For a smaller dog, the gate can be placed lower on the floor allowing .
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