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tweezers firmly around the ticks head. Slowly pull the tick out of the embedded location without twisting or turning it. Once remo ved, drop it into the cup of rubbing alcohol. 5 Pour a small amount of peroxide onto a cotton ball. Apply it directly to the wound . Allow it to sit for 30 seconds and wipe the area clean with a dry cotton ball. 6 Apply a small amount of triple antibiotic ointm ent to the wound and surrounding area. Repeat Steps 1-6 on any other embedded ticks.1 Comb the beagle to remove adult fleas. Use a 1197 flea comb instead of an ordinary comb because the teeth of a flea comb are so close together that the fleas are pushed away from the dog. Trap fleas quickly between your thumb and the comb. Expect the fleas to hop. If the beagle is a puppy, comb the puppy whe budget mobile phones n he is tired and less apt to wiggle. If the dog is an adult and will not stay still, give him a chewy treat. Beagles love food an .

combed before and may panic. Seeing many live fleas come off of the dog during the bath is normal and indicates that the medicati on is working. 3 Wash the beagle's bedding, felt toys, pillowcases or anywhere the dog likes to sleep. Adult fleas hop off of thei r hosts and wait in bedding or anything made of soft material for another host to come by, according to "Dog Owner's Home Veterina ry Handbook." Use hot water to kill flea larvae and flea adults. Vacuum all carpeting and soft furniture. If vacuuming the furnitu 1834 re is impossible, rub flea powder into the furniture. This will make the fleas hop off and into the carpet, which can be vacuumed. 4 Use topical flea prevention medication, which also kills adult fleas. This medication needs to be prescribed by a veterinarian. budget mobile phones Do not give the beagle a bath immediately after receiving a spot-on treatment because the medication may come off, according to " .

der. Herbal flea powders contain oils such as rosemary, peppermint and cedar oil. These oils act as a repellent to fleas. 2 Spread the herbal flea powder along your pet's spine. Massage the powder through your pet's fur. If you prefer, brush the powder through your pet's fur. Rub the powder around the ears, tail and neck. 3 Sprinkle the herbal flea powder on your pet's bedding or on area s where your pet sleeps. Continue to use the herbal flea powder until the flea problem is resolved. Diet 4 Change your pet's diet. 1812 Switch to a more natural-based food product. 5 Strengthen your pet's immune response to help fight against flea infestations. Ask your veterinarian if your pet can benefit from pet immune support supplements. 6 Add brewers yeast to your dog's diet. According budget mobile phones to Vet Info, a teaspoon to a tablespoon of brewers yeast in your dog's diet will rid it of fleas.1 Keep your puppy quiet. The firs .

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