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lyethylene trimethylene terephthalate (PTT) polymer carpets and polyethylene terephthalate (PET) polymer carpets. PET polymer carp ets will be cheaper as they are less costly to produce than PTT polymer carpets.1 Run your dog's regular collar through the slits in the smaller end of the E collar, if the collar has slits. 2 Tell your dog to sit. 3 Slip the collar over the dog's head. If the E collar has slits, buckle the dog's normal collar so it stays in place.1 Blowflies lay eggs that hatch into maggots. Look carefu 1365 lly at a sample of the maggot. Identification of the organism is most important in treating it successfully. Many people mistake t apeworms for maggots. An Internet search will turn up photos and descriptions of both organisms. 2 Check the source of the worms. budget mobile phones Maggots are usually found in an open sore or wound, or on skin exposed to urine or fecal matter. They can be hidden under hair, so .

gloves and use tweezers to pick off as many maggots as you can and place in a jar with rubbing alcohol for professional identifica tion. If the worms are in an open wound and you can remove all of them, do so. This can take several hours for a badly infested si te. Maggots under the skin are more difficult to remove. If you cannot get all of them, bind up the wound, make the animal as comf ortable as possible, and take it to a veterinarian. Give the jar of specimens to the vet. 4 Clean the wound gently with an antisep 1504 tic such as betadine once you have removed all of the worms. Apply antibiotic ointment and bandage the wound with gauze and tape. Check and re-dress the wound daily and monitor healing. Keep the dog in a clean, comfortable environment while it recovers. Weaken budget mobile phones ed animals are susceptible to maggot infestations. 5 Clean up any conditions that promote infestations by blowfly maggots. Unclean .

or several days, they usually burrow into the ground to develop further and hatch into blowflies. Remove the recovering animal fro m the infested environment and treat the area with an appropriate pest control treatment.1 Note how much the insect is moving arou nd. Both fleas and lice jump around, but fleas are much more active than lice. 2 Look at the insect under a microscope. Fleas are flat and have extra-long legs; their hind legs in particular are very long. A lice's legs are more stout and they have claws and t 1462 heir bodies are oval, not flat. This is because lice have to hold onto their host and stay put. The flea will be dark red or brown , while a lice will be dark gray. 3 Verify where the insect is living. If you find the insect living on an animal, particularly un budget mobile phones der the arms or behind your pet's ears, it's most likely a flea. Lice are most often found on humans, particularly in their hair. .

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