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minutes, then vacuum. Repeat this anytime fleas are seen. 4 Make a flea collar at home using an old, or new, dog collar, some mat erial and lemon essential oil. Soak the old collar in a cup of water with 20 drops of lemon essential oil overnight. Let it dry. P ut it on the dog to help keep fleas away without spending money on store-bought flea collars. This collar can be re-soaked anytime the lemon smell start to go away from it, or anytime it needs to be washed. Wash it then repeat the steps with the oil.1 Fill a s 1213 ink or a large bowl with warm water. Make sure the water is not too hot. Place the puppy in the sink and thoroughly wet his fur. 2 Use Dawn dish detergent or puppy flea shampoo and lather the puppy's fur well. If you use puppy flea shampoo, make sure it is rec budget mobile phones ommended for your puppy's age. If your puppy is too young, simply use the dish detergent. 3 Rinse your puppy well, making sure tha .

it on a table or a counter. Begin brushing the puppy's fur with long, even strokes. After each stroke, remove any hair or fleas a nd place the fleas in the soapy water so that they will die. Make sure no fleas are on the comb when you brush the dog again. 5 Re peat the combing process until you don't see any more fleas on your puppy.1 Roll your towel or bed sheet into a long tube length-w ise. 2 Place the middle of the towel under your dog's belly below the ribcage so that the ends of the tube are evenly spaced on ei 1339 ther side of the animal's body. 3 Stand behind your dog with one towel end in each hand and slowly walk the animal toward the edge of the steps. Raise the hindquarters up so that most of your dog's weight is over its front end. 4 Allow your dog to move down th budget mobile phones e stairs leading with its forequarters while you follow on the step just behind holding up its hips. Remove the towel from around .

water. 3 Blend the ingredients in a blender until they have formed a liquid. 4 Place the liquefied mixture into a pan and let it s immer for approximately 15 minutes. 5 Strain the mixture and let it cool. Once it has cooled, put it in an empty spray bottle.1 A baseball hat can help protect your dog against skin cancer. Buy a baseball cap at a discount retail store or thrift shop. Purchase a piece of quarter-inch wide elastic, 11 to 12 inches long. 2 Use a tape measure to assure the chin strap fits properly. Place th 1098 e cap on the dog's head. With the flexible measurement tape, measure under the dog's chin from one side of the cap to the other si de. Allow at least an extra inch on each side for sewing. Cut a piece of elastic, according to the measurement. 3 A few stitches w budget mobile phones ill fasten the elastic to the hat securely. Secure the elastic by sewing 2 to 3 stitches on each side of the hat. 4 Place the hat .

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