hin your dog's ears, this could indicate an ear mite infection, according to Pet Education. Foul odors and tenderness when you tou ch your dog's ears are other ear mite symptoms. 2 Brush your dog's fur and inspect for lice. Lice nits look like dandruff, but unl ike dandruff, lice will adhere to your dog's fur, notes Vetinfo. If your dog has a lice infestation, it will scratch and bite freq uently at its skin. You may also notice bald patches on your dog. 3 Dampen a piece of paper towel with water. Brush your dog and t 1357 ransfer the debris accumulated on the brush to the paper towel. If the debris dissolves into reddish blobs, you could have a flea infestation, according to the Companion Animal Parasite Council. The dissolved debris is a flea's fecal waste containing the blood budget mobile phones contents eaten from your dog. 4 Ticks have identifiable swollen bodies after feeding. Look for swollen-bodied insects attached to .
od, laundry detergent, air freshener or pollen. They may develop springtime allergies, just like humans. A veterinarian can determ ine the cause of your dog's allergy and can prescribe medication to resolve the problem, or may suggest a change of diet. Flea bit es A flea bite can cause a dog to lick and chew. A flea bite can cause a dog to lick or chew its hind haunches. A bite can cause s kin irritation and itching, and once a dog chews the affected area, the skin irritation is exacerbated. Boredom A bored dog can ex 1170 hibit chewing or licking behavior. A dog who is bored or anxious from being left home alone may chew or lick his hind haunches as a reaction to the anxiety. A dog will typically pick one spot on the body to chew or lick, like its hind haunches, and will chew o budget mobile phones bsessively until the area becomes raw and sometimes infected. To prevent this from happening, a vet will be able to advise how to .
luid built up in their anal glands which can cause them to rub their rear on the floor or chew at their hind area. When an anal gl and is plugged up, a visit to the vet or the groomer can alleviate the problem by expressing the anal gland. If not expressed, the anal gland can not only cause discomfort, but can also cause a fishy odor from your dog.Symptoms Dogs and puppies are more likely than cats to eat moth balls, notes veterinarian Debra Primovic. Signs of moth ball poisoning in dogs and cats include sudden weak 1416 ness, loss of appetite, diarrhea, seizures and vomiting. The vomit and the pet's breath will smell like moth balls. The pet may cr y out or attempt to bite when its abdomen is touched due to severe abdominal pain. Gums may turn brown or blue. If left untreated, budget mobile phones the kidneys and liver can become so damaged that they fail. Treatment Dogs and cats showing signs of moth ball poisoning need to .
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