nth or more, it ight have chronic colitis. Boxers are especially prone to a type of chronic colitis called histolytic ulcerative c olitis, which is caused by an immune response. Whipworms, an intestinal parasite, can also cause chronic colitis as can food aller gies. Diagnosis If your dog's colitis continues for more than a few days, a veterinary examination might be necessary. In addition to a rectal and fecal exam, your veterinarian can take a blood profile and test for parasites. A biopsy of the colon wall might b 1110 e performed, especially if your veterinarian suspects ulcers. If you suspect your dog might have food allergies, try an eliminatio n diet. Place your dog on a special high-protein diet with no other food or treats for eight to 10 weeks to see if the colitis sub budget mobile phones sides. Treatment Place your dog on a bland diet to ease inflammation. Home-cooked or commercially available high-protein diets oft .
If your dog does not respond to dietary changes, see your veterinarian. Anti-inflammatory medications, antibiotics or anti-parasi tic drugs might be needed. In severe cases, surgery might be necessary.Antifreeze Poisoning Antifreeze tastes good to dogs, and th ey will drink it if it is left within their reach. Antifreeze contains a dangerous toxin called ethylene glycol that is lethal to dogs if they swallow approximately a teaspoon of the undiluted substance for every 2.2 pounds of body weight, according to Vet Inf 1617 o. Dogs begin showing symptoms of poisoning approximately half an hour after exposure, including intoxicated behavior and depressi on. Untreated pets suffer irreparable kidney damage after the initial symptoms pass, which leads to acute kidney failure. Some of budget mobile phones the symptoms of acute renal failure are severe depression, bad breath, vomiting, oral sores, and reduced urine production until ev .
renal failure increases with the dog's age. The disorder is most prevalent in dogs 7 years old or older.In addition, a number of b reeds are susceptible to developing chronic renal failure because of genetic disorders. Some of those breeds include Doberman pins chers, standard poodles and golden retrievers, as well as cocker spaniels, Rottweilers, Shih Tzus and cairn terriers.Chronic renal failure is different from acute renal failure because the symptoms develop more slowly. Over time the animal begins to drink more 1464 often and urinate more frequently. It may also lose its appetite. As the disease progresses the dog may lose its sight to hyperte nsion. Dehydration is frequently seen because the kidneys are unable to reabsorb water. Petside indicates that chronic renal failu budget mobile phones re affects 0.6 percent of the entire canine population. Treatments are available that slow down the disease's progression. Disease .
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