upplemental fluids to combat dehydration, suggests the PetMd website.Causes There are many causes of canine seizures including epi lepsy, head trauma, serious illness or a brain tumor. Whatever the seizure's cause, the key to avoiding neurological damage and po ssible death is controlling the seizure activity. The bromide in potassium bromide, "will depress the excitability of nerves withi n the brain and results in reducing seizures," says Dr. Dawn Ruben on PetPlace.com. This nerve depression can weaken the animal. P 2852 reparation Every dog needs a different amount of bromide to control its seizure activity, and the dog's owner, veterinarian and ph armacist all work together to determine the correct dosage. Once the dosage is found, blood tests are recommended every six months budget mobile phones to ensure the potassium bromide isn't building up in the dog's bloodstream; overdose impairs the dog's muscular and central nervo .
ess, stumbling, lethargy, lack of coordination, immobility of one or more legs and tremors. The canine should be taken to a vet im mediately should any of these signs of muscle weakness occur.Symptoms Some dogs with this disorder urinate and defecate in the hou se when separated from their owners. They may persistently bark, howl and pace in circles. Anxious dogs often chew on furniture, w indowsills and doorframes and may attempt to chew or dig through doors or windows to escape, resulting in self-injury, according t 1871 o the Virtual Pet Behaviorist of the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA). Causes Veterinarian Ron Hi nes of 2nd Chance Pet Rescue surmises that many dogs with separation anxiety were weaned too early from their mothers or that dogs budget mobile phones ' mothers were unavailable. Many of these dogs come from multiple homes or have been moved from shelter to shelter. The mother dog .
ys and not leaving the house. Frequent exercise often relieves anxiety, and arranging for a pet sitter or doggy daycare can help t he problem.Progressive Retinal Atrophy Progressive retinal atrophy (PRA) affects adult Labradors and so cannot be detected when th e dog is a pup. PRA is a collection of diseases, some of genetic origin, that gradually cause deterioration of the retina of the d og's eye, causing pupils to dilate abnormally and can lead to cataracts. Cataracts Hereditary cataracts affect young pups of all b 1277 reeds, and can be removed through surgery. Older dogs also can get cataracts, which blur vision and may be treatable by a veterina rian through surgery. Retinal Dysplasia Retinal dysplasia is an inherited condition in Labrador retrievers, causing the retina of budget mobile phones the eye to develop abnormally, and it has no obvious symptoms. It also can be caused by ingesting toxins, viral infection or injur .
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