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here despite treatment, causing high levels of lead, subjecting the pet to long term therapy. The lead inhibits the normal growth of the bones such as the femur, tibia, humerus and radius. Considerations If the pet exhibits any of the symptoms described, call your veterinarian immediately for full diagnostic tests. A treatment plan will be prescribed which will include a chelating agent which binds the lead in the blood, allowing it to leave the body.Hunting History Dogs are relatives of foxes and wolves, carnivore 1401 s that captured prey that happened to be herbivores, according to Pet Place. As with many animals that hunt, the hunters often fir st fed on their prey's stomach and what was inside it. The taste for grass developed after finding--and enjoying--the greens in th budget mobile phones e herbivores' stomachs. Scavenging History When hunters cannot catch live prey, they learn to scavenge for food, according to Pet .

anything else around the yard. Lacking Greens Another theory, according to Pet Place, is that dogs eat grass because they are lac king vegetable matter in their diet. Dogs go for the grass to supplement their diet and fulfill their need for greens. Pet Library notes dogs will often do this even when their particular food is nutritionally complete as they need the fiber grass has or may s imply like the taste. Pica Dogs may also eat grass because they suffer from pica, veterinarian Bari Spielman writes in a Pet Place 1250 article. Pica is a condition where dogs crave and eat items normally not considered food, like rocks, feces and even grass. Disce rn between normal grass eating and pica by looking for pica symptoms like diarrhea, abdominal pain, collapsing and chronic bad bre budget mobile phones ath. Vets can treat pica, Spielman said. Vomit Dogs that eat grass often vomit, according to Pet Place and Pet Library. Pet Place .

than smaller pieces in smaller doses.Unusually Destructive Behavior As a pet owner, you are the authority on your pet's behavior. When a well-trained dog begins tearing up your home, scratching your furniture and destroying their beds, there is a problem. They may even begin self-mutilation in severe cases. Dogs that demonstrate unusually destructive or compulsive behavior suffer from se paration anxiety, fear or boredom. It may also be a sign of bigger mental health illnesses like depression and Alzheimer's disease 1545 . Increased Anxiety Dogs with increased anxiety, including excessive barking, shaking, destructive behavior or aggression, show si gns of a possible mental illness. Dogs that do these things when the owner leaves them alone suffer from separation anxiety. When budget mobile phones symptoms occur randomly, it can mean a disordered thinking and decreased mental capacity. Dogs suffering from depression also show .

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