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diarrhea that will not stop on its own. With anti-motility drugs, more water is able to be absorbed in the body so the stools are not as watery. This medication is especially used when the owner and vet are concerned about dehydration. Human Medicine PetEduca tion.com says it is okay to give puppies human medicine for diarrhea---such as Imodium. Kaopectate can be administered to puppies to coat their tummies and take away the "upset." Kaopectate is preferred over Pepto-Bismal because Pepto-Bismal contains aspirin, 1143 and Kaopectate does not. When these over the counter medications do not work for your puppy, let the vet know so that he or she ca n prescribe something more powerful and effective. Diet Mild cases of diarrhea can be conquered by changing the puppy's diet. Feed budget mobile phones ing your dog plain rice and boiled chicken is a bland meal that is gentle on their tummies and can help stop diarrhea. Dogbreedinf .

e diarrhea has been gone for at least 24 hours, the puppy's regular food can be introduced gradually. Remember, a puppy's tummy ca n become sensitive when their food is changed too fast.Symptoms The Dog Health Guide explains that dry skin makes the dog's coat a nd skin appear dull and dry. Sometimes dogs with dry and flaky skin are intensely itchy, and they occasionally create self-inflict ed bald patches or open lesions by biting or scratching at their skin. Causes Many dogs experience dry and flaky skin from too-fre 1346 quent bathing. Poor nutrition is another factor. Dogs need fatty acids such as omega-3, as well as vitamin E, vitamin A and niacin . Seborrhea, a skin disorder characterized by excessively dry or oily and scaly skin, often occurs in breeds such as cocker spanie budget mobile phones ls, dachshunds and basset hounds. Other more serious causes include thyroid disorders and Cushing's disease. Prevention/Solution B .

ove or appear to worsen.Grapes and Raisins Although they are quite healthy for humans, grapes and raisins can be seriously toxic t o canines, claims Find Out About Dogs. Veterinarians have not been able to pinpoint exactly what causes the grapes to be so harmfu l; however, they do know that dogs typically have severe reactions after ingesting them. For instance, vomiting usually occurs a f ew hours after ingestion, followed by lethargy and abdominal pain. Grapes and raisins cause damage to the kidneys, which can ultim 1510 ately end in their inability to work. The kidney failure can actually cause the dog's death. Onions Onions in any form are dangero us to dogs if ingested. According to Doctors Foster and Smith, onions contain sulfoxides and disulfides, which are harmful to dogs budget mobile phones and can cause anemia. Anemia is a condition in which a dog possesses inadequate amounts of red blood cells. This condition occurs .

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