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alth As the dog ages, his coat thins. An older dog no longer has good circulation in his skin, which can cause his fur to become b rittle. It breaks easier than it did when he was young and he will shed more. When a dog's coat becomes thin and dull, regardless of the color, this can indicate a nutritional deficiency or a disease. Your vet may advise you to give your dog a fatty acid suppl ement, which brings back the luster to his coat.1 Clean any open wound on the leg then apply a gauze pad over the injury, covering 1092 the wound completely. 2 Wrap around the leg of the dog below the joint once with cotton wrap, then around the leg above the joint with the same wrap. When looked at from the side of the leg, the wrap will appear V-shaped, with the joint in the hollow at the t budget mobile phones op of the V. 3 Repeat the wrap for two to three more wrappings above and below the joint. 4 Wrap the cotton by using stretchable g .

ach the end of the bandage. 6 Tape the end of the Ace bandage down to the layer beneath it, as opposed to using a butterfly clip w hich can come undone, exposing the dog to the sharp teeth. 7 Tape the bandage to the dog's leg, with tape extending off the top an d bottom of the wrap. This holds the wrap in place when the dog moves. 8 Monitor the dog's paw the leg that you wrapped. If the to es feel cold or show signs of swelling you have wrapped the leg too tight and are cutting off circulation.Affected Dogs Any breed 1799 of dog can be affected by prolapsed discs, however, older animals and particular breeds are more susceptible to the problem. Dachs hounds, Pekinese, Scottish terriers, springer spaniels and poodles are the most common breeds to be affected. Prolapsed discs can budget mobile phones be seen in younger dogs of these breeds. Cause Prolapsed discs are caused by the gradual decrease in flexibility of intervertebral .

causing physical pain and inability to move sufficiently. Symptoms A dog displays physical weakness if it is experiencing a prola psed disc. For example, it might have difficulty climbing steps, jumping into the back of a car or leaping onto a couch. You might also notice that it winces or is in pain when handled along its back. In extreme circumstances, a prolapsed disc can cause paraly sis of the hindquarter of the dog. As a result, its back legs collapse and it loses control of its bowel movements. Diagnosis A pr 1690 olapsed disc is diagnosed by a vet. An x-ray might be able to detect a prolapsed disc, however, a magnetic-resonance-image (MRI) s can is the most effective method of diagnosis. The vet will use the dog's symptoms, such as inability to control its bladder and l budget mobile phones ack of movement, to help make a diagnosis. Treatment Some dogs are able to recover fully from a prolapsed disc. However, in cases .

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