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by applying light pressure on the trachea that will trigger the coughing, and by testing bronchial mucous. The symptoms can be sp oradic or continuous. Veterinarians are rarely able to identify the responsible allergen, but can treat the symptoms with medicati ons that loosen the mucous and antihistamines to reduce the allergic reaction. Eye Problems Food allergies and contact allergies, such as pollen or the leaves of certain plants, particularly affect the dog's eyes and muzzle. The eyelids can become red and swel 1562 l, a condition known as blepharitis. The eyes may develop conjunctivitis, which is a sticky, white to yellow discharge from the ey es. Nausea and Diarrhea Nausea and diarrhea are symptoms of food allergies. The most common problem foods are chicken, eggs, beef, budget mobile phones corn, wheat, milk and soy. The veterinarian must first rule out other allergies and diseases. If the vet suspects food allergies, .

o 14 days. Dogs can develop food allergies as they age.Prevention The first step to successful at-home flea treatment is preventio n. This can be accomplished through frequent vacuuming, particularly in the areas where pets sleep. The vacuum bags should be cons tantly changed, as flea eggs can live inside the bags. Feeding your pet garlic and brewer's yeast may prevent fleas, as it causes an odor to emit from your dog's skin that repels fleas, according to Dr. Christine Makowski, a veterinarian, in "Mother Earth News 1253 ." Types A homemade flea powder can treat your pet's fleas. Using a jar with a lid, combine as many of the following ingredients a s possible in equal amounts: fennel, eucalyptus, rosemary, wormwood, rue and yellow dock. Shake the mixture well, sprinkle it on y budget mobile phones our pet and comb thoroughly, according to Organic Pet Digest. Considerations While killing fleas themselves is an easy task, their .

l as vacuuming, will help break the cycle.Benefits There are three main benefits of feeding your dog yogurt periodically. Yogurt c ontains essential vitamins that are beneficial for your dog's overall health. The calcium found in the dairy treat helps to streng then your dog's bones and skeletal structure. The friendly bacteria found in yogurt works wonders to improve and regulate your can ine's digestion. Types There is only one type of yogurt you can feed your dog or puppy. Feed your dog plain, unflavored yogurt if 1731 you choose to add this dairy product into his diet. Flavored yogurt has too much sugar, which is not safe or healthy for dogs. War ning If your dog is currently experiencing diarrhea, do not give your dog yogurt to eat. On the other hand, if your dog has a hist budget mobile phones ory of diarrhea, you may want to feed your dog a small amount of yogurt and see how his digestion reacts. Monitor your dog's stool .

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