our dog will still be getting the essential nutrients it needs by eating some of this type of food. Be sure to choose a low-cost d og food that is also healthy and provides all the necessary nutrients your pet needs.Types of Rubber Plants The Crassula arboresce ns is commonly referred to as the Japanese rubber plant. The rubber tree is formally named Ficus elastica, and the variegated rubb er plant is Ficus Honduras. The baby or American rubber plant is Peperomia obutsifolia. The Indian rubber plant, Indian rubber tre 1278 e, fig and weeping fig are all names for Ficus benjamina. Symptoms of Rubber Plant Poisoning If a dog ingests Crassula arborescens , it may cause vomiting, depression and a loss of coordination. Ficus elastica and Ficas Honduras will both cause what the ASPA re budget mobile phones fers to as "moderate gastrointestinal tract irritation" if ingested. Peperomia obutsifolia, may cause a dog to suffer some mild st .
se dermatitis, and ingestion is likely to cause oral irritation, salivation and vomiting. What Makes Rubber Plants Poisonous The m ilky sap in the leaves and stems of the rubber plant is the part of the plant that makes it poisonous for animals. The Washington Poison Center emphasizes that it is "the dose that makes the poison."The amount of the rubber plant that the dog ingests will be a key factor in determining how sick the dog becomes. Identification of Rubber Plants The different types of rubber plants are simi 2891 lar in appearance. Rubber plants are most easily identified by their shiny, glossy leaves. Rubber trees and plants vary in size an d in shape. Leaf shapes may vary, but are typically long, elliptical and have a thick, leathery texture. They may be dark green or budget mobile phones pink in color.Rubber plants vary in size, depending on the exact species of plant, and grow outdoors in warm climates. Treatment .
ample of the ingested plant to the veterinarian's office with you.The ASPCA also operates a Poison Control Center Hotline for anim als which is available 24 hour a day, 365 day. The number for this center is 1-888-426-4435. In the event you are unable to reach your veterinarian in a poisoning situation, you can call the ASPCA hotline for guidance and treatment advice.Laceration of the Spi nal Cord Laceration of the spinal cord is a devastating injury most often officially diagnosed with a veterinary myelogram, CT or 1226 MRI of the spine. Your veterinarian will evaluate the injury to determine if treatment or surgical options are available. Repair o ptions depend on location and severity of the laceration. Ruptured or Herniated Disk A ruptured disk is a disk that, due to age or budget mobile phones injury, moves from its original location out of alignment in a way that it infringes on the space that contains the spinal cord. .
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