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areas of the head, but can appear on the body and legs as well. In severe cases of red mange, the bald patches can spread through out the entire body of the dog. Because the mites live in the hair follicles, loss of hair is usually the first sign of mange. Ski n Irritation In the patches where the dog has lost its hair, the skin may become crusty and red or bruised-looking. It can also de velop bumps or pustules and a few crusty circles may appear. These bare patches may become scaly or, if there is a secondary bacte 1027 rial infection, have a greasy or moist appearance. In more severe cases, the skin will crack and seep a clear fluid. The skin may or may not itch. Foul Odor Red mange is often accompanied by a bacterial infection which causes a very noticeable odor. This sign budget mobile phones will not normally appear until after the dog already has bald patches and skin lesions. Mild cases of mange will often clear up on .

bath, swimming or your dog's curious tongue, can cause infection. Many experts say that you should not bathe your dog for at leas t one week after neutering, while others say to wait 10 to 14 days, since the sutures will not fully heal until then. Cleanliness Prevents Infection Even if a dog has an Elizabethan collar around its neck to prevent it from accessing the stitched skin with its tongue or teeth, it may still be able to infect the wound by rubbing it against a surface. To avoid the stitches' being potential 1194 ly contaminated with bacteria, you have to clean the dog in order to prevent complications. Bottom Line Since you should not be ba thing your dog more often than every six weeks anyway, refrain from bathing your dog for at least two weeks after the surgery. If budget mobile phones absolutely necessary, clean your dog's hair using a dry bath. If the wound gets dirty, disinfect it with warm, salty water and dry .

ince or whine when the affected area is touched or caressed. It may be reluctant to turn its head or have difficulty doing so due to stiffness. Back pain may also cause a change in appetite, difficulty moving or running and weakness in the legs. Postural Chang es A change in stance can be indicative of several issues. A dog's change in posture most commonly means a type of muscle disease that results from wounds or injuries sustained during accidents or fights with other animals. Wincing and Whining Your dog may yel 1251 p when touched if it is experiencing back pain. The reasons can be many, from simple muscle inflammation due to overexertion to mo re serious vertebrae disorders. Reluctance to Raise Head Your dog might exhibit a hesitation to raise or turn its head. Back pain budget mobile phones can easily find its way up the neck, making it difficult for a dog to look around in a normal fashion. If the dog seems uncomforta .

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