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c, but thiosulphate can build up in the system, becoming dangerous with repeated consumption of small, seemingly harmless amounts. Onions and garlic are toxic in raw, cooked and powdered forms. Potato peels contain oxalates, which cause harm to the digestive, nervous and urinary systems. Potatoes that have turned green also contain oxalates. Although the plant leaves, stems and seeds are more dangerous, eating tomatoes can cause heart arrhythmia and tremors. Broccoli acts as a gastrointestinal irritant, though it t 1372 akes significant quantities to become toxic. Fruit A single serving of raisins can be potentially fatal. The avocado fruit, pit an d plant may cause difficulty breathing, followed by fluid accumulation in the chest, abdomen or heart. Avocados can also cause pan budget mobile phones creatitis. A single serving of grapes, raisins or prunes can cause severe vomiting, diarrhea and kidney failure because of an unkn .

eds Every part of the tomato plant is toxic to dogs. The leaves and stems of potato, rhubarb and tomato plants all contain oxalate s that harm the digestive, nervous and urinary systems. Seeds and pits from apples, cherries, peaches, pears, plums and apricots a ll contain the poison cyanide. All seeds and pits can cause impaction, or obstruction of the digestive tract. Eating stems, seeds and leaves from apples, almonds, apricots, peaches, cherries, plums, pears and prunes can cause diarrhea, vomiting and abdominal p 1621 ain.Liquids should not be inserted into a dog's ear without veterinary supervision. Advantages of Listerine and Peroxide Hydrogen peroxide that is sold for medical purposes like first aid is good to have on hand for basic animal first aid, including cuts or sc budget mobile phones rapes that may become infected, because hydrogen peroxide acts as an antiseptic, preventing infection.The mouthwash product Lister .

ol in Listerine can dry out a dog's ear, making the problem worse. Hydrogen peroxide bubbles can frighten a dog when placed in the ear, and both products may not reach or kill all of the bacteria causing an ear infection. Neither product acts as an anti-inflam matory drug, which along with antibiotics is a common treatment for ear infections in dogs. Bottom Line An ear infection usually n eeds to be treated with antibiotics. Peroxide can be used to clean the outside of a dog's ears, but not the inside of any pet's ea 1728 rs. In any case, with these products it would be difficult to reach any bacteria inside of the dog's ear that needs to be killed. Peroxide is better for cleaning outside or around an infected ear than Listerine, but it is not an effective treatment to cure an budget mobile phones infection. Furthermore, liquids should not be inserted into a dog's ear without veterinary supervision.Usually, a dog with diarrhe .

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