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e barely noticeable, but grand mal seizures are frightening.A dog goes through several stages during a grand mal seizure. The firs t is called prodome. It will act out of sorts or demonstrate uncharacteristic behavior. The aural stage follows. The dog becomes n ervous, whiny or needy. The actual seizure follows the aural stage. This part is called the ictus. The dog falls to the floor and goes into a period of convulsions that usually last around 45 seconds. Finally, the post-ictal stage leaves the animal feeling ner 1495 vous, out of sorts and hungry. Dogs with epilepsy are treated with phenobarbitol to control the seizures.Tapeworm Tapeworm larvae live inside fleas. When a grooming dog accidentally ingests an infested flea, the tapeworm larvae spread to the dog's small intest budget mobile phones ine, where they attach and develop into adult tapeworms, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Segments of .

mans, especially children, though the risk is low. Treatment for dogs and humans involves deworming medication, available by presc ription from a physician or veterinarian. Allergic Reactions Canine allergies to flea saliva can make the dog predisposed to devel oping secondary skin infections. When a flea bites an allergic dog, it can cause severe itching, veterinarian Rosanna Marsalla say s on the Pet Place website. The itching can cause the dog to chew and bite itself in an attempt to relieve the itch. Excessive scr 1147 atching, chewing and biting often results in oozing lesions or hot spots on the dog's skin. Plague Plague is a bacterial infection spread by fleas infected with the disease by rats. The flea then bites the dog, transmitting the bacteria and infecting the dog, budget mobile phones veterinarian Holly Nash says on the Pet Education website. In dogs, plague causes swollen lymph nodes but is not fatal. Treatment .

according to Web MD. It mainly affects older dogs or animals with diabetes. The symptoms are frequent painful urination, bloody o r cloudy urine, and vaginal discharge. Cystitis leads to bladder infections if left untreated. Antibiotics are used to clear up th e infection. Cushing's Disease Cushing's disease is a disorder of the pituitary and adrenal glands that causes the body to overpro duce certain hormones. It mainly affects middle aged and older dogs. The most evident symptom is excessive water consumption and u 1375 rination, according to Pet Education. Other symptoms include increased appetite, hair loss, and a pot-bellied appearance. Cushing' s disease is treated through medication or surgery. Diabetes Mellitus Dr. Leah Cohn, in an article on the website Pet Place, expla budget mobile phones ins that diabetes mellitus affects middle-aged and older dogs. The symptoms are increased thirst and urination, weight loss, a lac .

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