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a good way to disinfect surfaces in the home that may have come into contact with mites brought in by a dog. Chlorine Can Be Toxic Medication is used most often for the treatment of dog mites. Just like with any substance, too much exposure can cause negative consequences. It is important to know that there are different types of mites. Two of the more common types of mites found on dogs are demodex (causes mange) and sarcoptes (causes scabies). Most mites must be removed by using medication. Most common treatments 1375 include chemical dips like Mitaban. It is important to follow the medication protocols to avoid exposing dogs to high levels of t oxins. Bottom Line Mites can cause very serious problems for dogs. If your dog is exhibiting symptoms of having mites, it is recom budget mobile phones mended to take your dog to a veterinarian. They will determine the best way to treat the dog mites, and likely prescribe medicatio .

. The vet may check for parasites and secondary bacterial and yeast infections, which can also cause itching. In some dogs, food a llergies may cause itching and must be ruled out. Conventional Treatment In dogs, as in humans, allergic conditions are frequently inherited and treatment is life long. The conventional treatment for atopy is corticosteroids such as prednisone, given orally or by injection. These relieve the itching, but have side effects, so they are used only in the short term for acute attacks. Antihi 1016 stamines like Benadryl are also used to relieve itching. Reduce the pug's exposure to dust mites by frequently washing and cleanin g their bedding. Natural Treatments Frequent washing with hypoallergenic shampoo containing aloe vera and oatmeal is recommended d budget mobile phones uring an attack, as is giving your dog high doses of Omega-3 fatty acids from fish oil or flaxseed. These have been found effectiv .

if it comes into contact with their skin, to prevent redness and irritation. Effects of Ingestion Headaches, nausea, sweating and stomach pains can result from the accidental swallowing of Fipronil--the active ingredient in Frontline---according to the Nationa l Pesticide Information Center. Seek medical advice if someone swallows the product. Seizure if Swallowed In extreme cases where F ipronil is swallowed, seizure may result. Seek medical advice. Possible Carcinogen The National Pesticide Information Center repor 1481 ts that Fipronil, the active ingredient of Frontline, is classified as a possible human carcinogen, indicating that there are conc erns that repeated exposure to the substance may put people at greater risk of developing cancer. Skin Irritation in Dogs Dogs may budget mobile phones have irritation of the skin at the place where Frontline was applied. Merial describes this as a "rare" and "temporary" side effe .

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