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ly. With their long double coats, the Shih Tzu and the Pekingese must be groomed regularly. The owner should feel and examine the skin through the dog's fur, being mindful of any changes. If the dog has any form of skin cyst, the owner should take care not to graze or rip it during grooming. Warnings While sebaceous cysts and interdigital cysts are not usually life-threatening, they can become infected. Further, what appears to be a simple cyst might be something far more serious. Take your dog to a veterinarian if 1204 you find any lumps or unusual bumps on its skin.Mosquitoes Mosquitoes are a serious problem for dogs. They can transmit various d iseases and worms in a single bite. There are several ways to reduce your dog's exposure to mosquitoes and the worms they carry. S budget mobile phones ome flea and tick topical treatments, such as Frontline or K9 Advantix, include ingredients that repel mosquitoes and kill the wor .

nside during these times if possible. Also, mosquitoes use standing areas of water as breeding grounds. Pour out water that collec ts in pots and containers in your yard after it rains. Change the water in outdoor pet bowls several times daily to prevent mosqui toes from laying their eggs there. Fleas and Ticks To repel and kill fleas and ticks, apply a topical preventative, such as Advant age or Revolution, once a month. Most topical solutions kill fleas and ticks in their larvae stages. This deters an infestation be 1776 fore it can start. If natural treatments are a preference, there are homeopathic methods for controlling fleas and ticks. Fleas do not like the smell or taste of garlic. Mixing a small amount of garlic into your dog's food daily can make his blood unpalatable budget mobile phones to fleas. Brewer's yeast, a natural supplement, is also a flea repellent that can be combined with garlic. Other natural flea repe .

home's surroundings. Remove litter, brush and tall grass from your yard. Use wood chips to separate recreational areas from woode d areas. Chemical agents sprayed directly on bushes, trees and the lawn can keep parasites from populating your dog's environment. There are special pesticides for outside areas which can be applied by you or a professional pest control company. To prevent poi soning, keep your dog away from any treated yard areas until the chemicals are completely dry.Acanthosis Nigricans Primary acantho 1025 sis nigricans occurs only in dachshunds. Both miniature and standard dachshunds are susceptible to the disease, and it affects mal es and females equally. The symptoms usually appear before the dog is a year old. The skin between the body and legs grows darker; budget mobile phones and over time the hair falls out, and the skin becomes thick and leathery. The disease gradually spreads to the groin and to othe .

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