g, blood in the urine, or blood or pus coming from within the penis. Diagnosis According to the Vet Info website, canine prostate cancer is detected through the use of ultrasounds, contrast dye x-rays and urine tests. In some instances, a biopsy of the rectal wall may be necessary to fully confirm the presence of cancer. Treatment Prostatic carcinoma is highly invasive and aggressive, so treatment may include surgical removal of the prostate gland and any present tumors as well as chemotherapy or radiation therapy. 1468 Prognosis Unfortunately, due to its highly aggressive nature, dogs who develop prostate carcinomas do not usually go into remissi on. Some dogs may live for 30 days, while others may live up to six weeks, though each case varies. Prevention Castration at a you budget mobile phones ng age may help prevent this cancer, though if any prostate tissue remains it is still possible for the cancer to occur as the dog .
routine early neutering on animals 6 to 14 weeks of age because the animals recover from surgery more rapidly. It Can Cause Devel opmental Problems. Dr. Chris Zink, a specialist in the conditions of canine athletes, warns that early neutering may lead to abnor mal bone growth because the sex hormones were unable to complete their role in physical development. This can lead to conditions s uch as hip dysplasia, a disorder where the hip joint does not fit together properly. Bottom Line The Canine Inherited Disorders Da 1400 tabase indicates that Labrador retrievers are genetically susceptible to developing hip dysplasia. Although most breeds of dog do not suffer any negative side effects from early neutering, it might be wise to delay neutering your lab until he is 5 to 8 months budget mobile phones old.Food May Cause Further Stomach Upset Feeding can worsen your dog's diarrhea. If your dog has an upset stomach, feeding him mig .
er to replace lost fluids. Bland Foods Can Heal an Upset Stomach A bland diet of rice and chicken could help your dog improve. On the other hand, if the diarrhea continues after the 24-hour fast, a bland diet could turn out very helpful. Start by feeding a die t of boiled rice and boiled skinless and boneless chicken in a ratio of two parts rice to one part chicken. Feed in several small meals per day until the stools are better formed. Then gradually introduce the dog's regular diet again, recommends the Ardmore (P 1185 a.) Animal Hospital. Bottom Line Small puppies can dehydrate very quickly. Dogs affected by loose stools benefit from initially fa sting and then eating a bland diet. However, dogs that do not improve or young puppies or dogs that have bloody stools or appear l budget mobile phones ethargic or feverish should be taken to a veterinarian promptly. There could be a serious condition causing diarrhea in the dog, a .
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