ties and other tooth defects, according to The Medical Dictionary. The sharp point allows the vet to appraise the hardness of a to oth which is compromised by decay.Ingredients (or Lack Thereof) Can Be Deceiving Rawhide chew sticks are typically made from cured cowhides, but they can also come from other sources like lamb or pig ears, or beef tails. Two types of rawhide exist: naturally c ut treats, and cowhides that the manufacturer presses into shapes, like bones or sticks.Even though the U.S. Food and Drug Adminis 1750 tration considers rawhide treats to be food, manufacturers are not required to follow certain regulations if their products are no t advertised as having any nutritional value. That means that some rawhide chew stick products may not include any ingredient list budget mobile phones s or nutritional values. Chemicals such as arsenic, cadmium, and lead have been found in some rawhide products---elements that are .
anuts that were potentially tainted with salmonella. A year before that, the FDA recalled Hartz Chicken-Basted Rawhide Chips becau se of a threat of salmonella.Salmonella can cause serious infection in dogs, which can lead to diarrhea, loss of appetite, vomitin g and even death. Cross-contamination from canine to human exists as well. Improper Ingestion Rawhide chew sticks, if the dog cons umes them in irregular pieces, can pose dangerous risks to dogs, including death. Pressed pieces of rawhide can expand inside a do 1541 g's stomach, where they can sit undigested. Sticks can splinter as a dog chews on it, and small pieces could scrape a dog's inside s if the dog swallows them. Larger pieces could be choking hazards or clog a dog's stomach or intestines, which could require surg budget mobile phones ery.Veterinarians suggest that rawhide chew sticks be at least 2 inches larger than a dog's mouth so that it can't swallow it. Pet .
y from wild or stray animals that could possibly carry the rabies virus. 3 Avoid handling and attracting wild animals. Keep wild a nimals away from your dog and property by covering garbage cans and bins. 4 Seek immediate care from a doctor or veterinarian if y our family member or dog has been bitten. It takes 10 days for pets and people to show clinical signs of rabies, so medical profes sionals will need to observe the bite victim.Risks of Over-vaccination Some veterinarians claim that vaccinating pets can actually 1698 weaken the immune system's response to disease. These doctors believe that instead of strengthening the body's immune system, mul tiple vaccinations can lead to chronic problems. Some of the health problems said to be connected to vaccinations include degenera budget mobile phones tive joint disease, immune mediated disease and cancerous growths at the injection sites. In addition, veterinarians on this side .
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