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this number. According to Dr. Ron Hines, an average sized, 35 lb. dog should eat around 1,000 calories daily. This is assuming th e dog receives adequate amounts of exercise. Special Diets Owners should speak with their veterinarian if they own a dog with spec ial dietary needs, such as nursing dogs, or growing puppies. Dogs who are overweight, or who have certain medical conditions, may need more or less canned food than a healthy dog of the same weight. Bottom Line Most dogs will be fine eating enough canned food 1595 to reach a normal caloric intake. If you feel your dog requires a specialized diet, however, consult your veterinarian for the bes t advice.Withhold Food Make sure your dog gets enough water if you are withholding food. Withhold food from your dog if it seems l budget mobile phones ikely that it ate something bad or has a gastrointestinal virus. If the dog can keep down water, make sure to give it small sips o .

Diet Don't give your bulldog human foods. Your dog may begin vomiting because it is eating unfamiliar or rich food. If you are fe eding your dog human food, stop and see if that brings an end to the vomiting problem. Switch to a hypoallergenic brand of dog foo d, and see what effect that has. Elevate Your Dog's Eating Bowl Help your dog eat more slowly to prevent vomiting. Some dogs vomit because they gulp their food too fast. If this might be the case with your dog, move its bowl to a higher surface to make it more 1353 difficult to eat. Try putting a large inedible object, such as a ball, into the food bowl to force the dog to slow down its eatin g pace. Cool Your Bulldog Down Bulldogs do not tolerate extreme heat very well, and will sometimes vomit as a response to overheat budget mobile phones ing. If your bulldog begins vomiting after lying out in the sun on a very hot day, bring it inside where it is cool. Sprinkle your .

eterinarian's approval, give some human medicines and supplements to your senior bulldog to stop vomiting. Dogs can take Pepto-Bis mol safely; check with your vet for the right dose. While Pepto-Bismol is safe for dogs, it is toxic to cats, so be careful not to leave it around if you have cats. Give your dog activated charcoal, especially if you think it may have eaten something spoiled o r toxic. Try to get the dog to drink some peppermint tea to calm its insides. When to Go to the Vet See a vet if you suspect your 1397 dog has eaten anything poisonous. Most cases of vomiting in your senior bulldog can be treated by home remedies. However, take you r dog to the veterinarian if it vomits blood, vomits and has diarrhea at the same time, shows projectile vomiting, vomits for more budget mobile phones than one day, has lost weight or if it shows signs of listlessness or pain. Also take your bulldog to the vet immediately if you .

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