way and promote healing. Cover thorn wounds on the dog's paws with gauze and a bandage, to keep the dirt out. 8 Make sure the dog can't reach to lick off the cream. You may need to fit an Elizabethan collar. This is a band of stiff cardboard or plastic fastene d to the dog's regular collar that makes a cone around its head, preventing it from being able to reach other parts of its body. 9 Keep a close eye on the thorn wound and clean it twice daily for the first few days. If you see any signs of inflammation or infe 1298 ction, take the dog to your veterinarian as it may need antibiotics.1 Allow the dog a few moments to calm down, especially if the injury was caused by a fall or because of a dog fight. Pet the dog and offer it a bone or a dog treat to help the process along. T budget mobile phones he dog will be more receptive to your help when it is relaxed. 2 Wash your hands with antibacterial soap and water. This will ensu .
led or tap water. Pour a small amount of the water over the tear to remove any dirt or debris. Dab at the wound carefully with a p iece of sterile gauze to remove any excess water. 5 Apply a thin layer of antibacterial ointment, such as Neosporin, to the wound to further prevent any infection. 6 Place a piece of sterile gauze pad around the wound and while holding the gauze in place, gent ly press the ear against the dog's head. 7 Attach the end of a piece of sterile gauze strip to the sterile gauze pad with a piece 1146 of medical tape. Wrap the gauze over the dog's affected ear and head two times. 8 Secure the gauze strip to itself with a piece of medical tape. Allow the ends of the tape to adhere to the dog's skin and fur. This will provide an added layer of protection that budget mobile phones will prevent the gauze from slipping. 9 Change the wrapping every two to three days.Energy Dogs should be energetic and mobile. W .
og is sick. Worms and other conditions can cause an animal to lose nourishment from its food and cause the low energy. Appearance Though many dogs' ribs are visible even when they receive proper nutrition, an extremely thin-looking dog is perhaps the most obvi ous sign of malnourishment. The rib cage is the best area to look because it is the area with the least amount of hair coverage. T he hip area is another effective location to check for signs of gaping bones. Malnourished dogs also may be limping and they often 1272 look like they are in pain when they sit down. Dehydration Dehydration is evident if a dog has no skin elasticity. By pinching th e dog's skin around the shoulder and observing if it bounces back quickly, you can determine whether the dog is dehydrated. The sk budget mobile phones in should bounce back immediately. Dogs should always have water available to drink. When pinching the skin, notice if there is an .
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