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ore proceeding with home treatment. Your vet will visually inspect your dog's ears, ask about diet, allergies and lifestyle, and w ill take a culture of your dog's ears. 2 The dark and moist environment in the ears of a dog can cause yeast infections, which lea d to itchy, dry ears. Most pet stores sell over-the-counter antifungal shampoos. Wash your dog three times over the course of a we ek with that shampoo to eliminate any fungal overgrowth. Veterinarian and author Dr. Randy Pitcairn recommends supplementing your 1872 dog's diet with plain vanilla yogurt. Yogurt helps your dog to build up resistance to fungi that can cause scaly ear patches. 3 Su pplement your dog's diet with fish oil capsules. Give one capsule with each meal. Some dogs simply tend to have dry, flaky skin, a budget mobile phones nd skin problems tend to be the worst around the ears. Fish oil helps to lubricate your dog's skin and prevent scaly patches. Fish .

on your dog's food and aim for foods without those potential allergens. 5 Change your dog's flea treatment. Your dog may have fle as, which can cause scratching that leads to dry skin and hot spots on the ears. If your dog is not currently on a flea treatment, ask your vet to recommend another brand. If your dog is on a flea treatment, it may not be working. Alternatively, your dog could be allergic to the ingredients. In either case, if your dog's ears are getting dry and your dog has fleas, it's time to re-examin 2860 e your dog's flea treatment regimen.1 Wash your Shar-Pei with anti-flea or anti-tick shampoo and warm water. Wet the pet in the ba thtub, and then rub the shampoo all over the Shar-Pei. Focus on the areas with the lesions; the infected areas need to be kept as budget mobile phones clean as possible. 2 Dry the Shar-Pei with towels and a hair-dryer. The infected area needs to be as dry as possible before applyi .

uth to prevent the dog from attempting to lick the medication from its rash. Make sure the area is completely covered with ointmen t. 4 Open and position a funnel collar onto the Shar-Pei's neck. The funnel should come inward in a "V" shape. Close the funnel co llar; the collar prevents the dog from accessing the treated site. 5 Wash the rash and reapply the medication as prescribed by you r veterinarian. The ointment tube will designate how often you are supposed to apply the medication.Caffeine Caffeinated foods and 1476 beverages contain multiple substances hazardous to dogs. Chocolate contains caffeine and an alkaloid called theobromine that is p oisonous to dogs. Tea leaves contain caffeine as well as another alkaloid, theophylline, which is also harmful to dogs. Beverages budget mobile phones like coffee and soda are also harmful because of their high caffeine content. These ingredients cause vomiting and diarrhea. They .

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