adults the eggs will still hatch. Within the Home Part of natural flea control includes regularly vacuuming. Adding borax and salt into your vacuum bag destroys fleas in any life stage. Wash pet bedding weekly during flea season (spring through summer). At nig ht, leave out a commercial flea trap (this traps fleas on sticky paper) or a dish of soapy water under a nightlight near your pet' s bed. In the Yard If your pet goes outside it will attract fleas present in your yard. Applying nematodes to your garden beds and 1606 grass in early spring can reduce the fleas in your yard by 90 percent. The nematodes feast on the larval fleas. You can also keep herbs in your yard that repel fleas such as pennyroyal and eucalyptus. On Your Pet Healthy pets attract less fleas so have your p budget mobile phones et checked regularly by a vet and feed it the best food you can afford. Treat your pet's fur with a natural flea spray or make you .
omiting. Ingested in large amounts, these herbs and vegetables produce Heinz bodies on the red blood cells of pets, a type of incl usive cell damage that results in acute anemia. Left untreated, acute anemia can lead to organ failure and eventual death of the p et. The ASPCA says that the small amounts found in pet treats will probably not harm your pet, but they recommend that you not giv e your pet large quantities. Black Walnuts Horse owners need to be aware of the dangers of allowing horses to eat the fruit and ba 1067 rk of black walnut trees. Black walnuts contain naphthoquinone, an organic compound that produces toxic effects within 24 hours of exposure. Horses become depressed and reluctant to move. They experience increased pulse, respiration, and temperature and abdomi budget mobile phones nal sounds that can result in severe diarrhea. With continued exposure to the toxin, hoof temperature increases, the animals show .
ing to the Merck Veterinary Manual. Chocolate Chocolate contains two compounds, caffeine and theobromine, that can be toxic to you r dog. Dark chocolate and baking chocolate possess higher concentrations of these chemicals that can be particularly toxic to pets . When eaten in large amounts, dogs become hyperactive and restless, and may experience twitching muscles, excessive panting and i ncreased urination. They can vomit and suffer from severe diarrhea. Blood pressure levels increase and animals suffer from tachyca 1655 rdia, a rise in heart rate. If left untreated, your dog could have a seizure and become comatose. PetPlace vets state that seeking emergency treatment for your dog is necessary to resolve the toxic effects of chocolate and possibly save your dog's life. Grapes budget mobile phones and Raisins Some dogs that ingest large amounts of grapes and raisins, ranging between 9 ounces and 2 pounds, can develop kidney .
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