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Once playful dogs may become mean or aggressive. Once bold dogs may become fearful. Dogs will lose mental alertness and have trou ble learning new tricks or remembering changes in their environment. Training a dog with thyroid disease may seem impossible. Othe r Problems Dogs may suffer from cold intolerance, high cholesterol or ear inflammation. Since all bodily systems require a functio ning thyroid to do their best, any one system may suffer. Dogs may be unable to procreate, may suffer from digestive ailments such 1040 as diarrhea, or may suffer from circulatory problems such as a slow heart rate.Veterinary Treatments After the initial physical e xamination, your veterinarian may recommend checking your pet's hematocrit---the concentration of red blood cells in blood serum-- budget mobile phones -to determine the severity of your dog's dehydration. A high hematocrit, higher than about 40 percent, indicates that the fluid le .

ng to be replaced in your dog over 48 hours and, commonly, administer this amount intravenously. The dog should be hospitalized du ring this time so that the veterinary staff can monitor the drip rate and watch for any problems that may arise. In less severe ca ses, the veterinarian may inject the fluid subcutaneously under your dog's skin, allowing the body to absorb it naturally. At-Home Treatments For mild dehydration when the dog is not vomiting, owners can introduce an electrolyte solution by large syringe or bo 2865 ttle into the dog's cheek pouch, advises veterinarian Debra Eldredge and colleagues in the "Dog Owner's Home Veterinary Handbook." They suggest using a pediatric electrolyte solution found in drugstores or an unsweetened sports drink as a short-term substitute budget mobile phones . Dr. Eldredge suggests administering the fluid at a rate of 2- to 4 ml per pound of body weight per hour, or whatever rate direct .

ediately. In dehydrated animals, the lack of fluid in the skin causes it to be less elastic and the skin fold hesitates to fall ba ck into place. According to the veterinarians at PetEducation.com, if your pet has lost 6 to 8 percent of its normal body fluids, the skin definitely delays going back to its normal position. If your dog loses 10 to 12 percent of fluids, the skin forms a tent and remains standing upright over the shoulder. Your dog may be cool to the touch and its gums and tongue feel sticky, not moist. 1195 Your dog may show an increased heart rate with a lowered pulse, and its eyes appear sunken and cloudy. All of these symptoms indic ate a veterinary crisis.Liver Toxicity Some anesthetics are toxic to dogs' livers, according to Dog Logic Health Pages. Halothane budget mobile phones is one such anesthetic. This drug takes a long time to metabolize, causing toxins to build up in the dog's liver. Puppies and elde .

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