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rly dogs are most susceptible to this side effect. Tachycardia Some dogs develop tachycardia due to anesthesia use. Tachycardia is a heart abnormality in which the dog's heart beats faster than normal. Tachycardia can lead to heart failure or other heart disea se. Dogs who have tachycardia often require medication for the rest of their lives to keep their heart rate under control. Apnea D og Logic Health Pages says that dogs may develop apnea over time if thiopental or propofol, two common anesthetics, are administer 2865 ed. Apnea is a condition in which the dog stops breathing, usually when asleep. Apnea is not fatal if the dog wakes up during an i ncident. Vets treat apnea with anti-inflammatory medication. In some cases, dogs require surgery to correct apnea problems.Herbal budget mobile phones Supplements Certain herbal supplements are effective in treating various aspects of a canine cold, from infection to nasal dischar .

ds. Vitamin Supplements Vitamin supplements such as vitamin C and vitamin E are helpful in treating sneezing due to a canine cold. Vitamin C promotes overall immune health and helps the dog fight off the infection. Vitamin E keeps mucous membrane tissue health y, as well as promoting skin health (for irritated noses due to sneezing.) Both vitamins are helpful in relieving inflammation of the nose and nasal passages to relieve sneezing and discomfort related to sneezing. A veterinarian can recommend dosage. Ointment 1195 A dog's nose may become red, irritated or sore after a period of sneezing due to a cold. To ease discomfort of the nose, apply oin tments such as calendula or aloe vera. These treatments are all natural and safe for use on dogs that may lick their noses after t budget mobile phones reatment. Supportive Care Rest keeps a dog quiet and helps prevent further inflammation or irritation of the nasal passages. Rest .

ian can provide a medicated nose drop to apply to the dog's nostrils. This medication soothes inflammation and helps prevent furth er sneezing. The medication also helps fight infection from the cold. Antibiotics Antibiotics treat any bacterial infections that may have caused the dog's cold. As the infection clears, so will the sneezing. Antibiotics have no effect on a cold caused by a vi rus. A veterinarian may prescribe antibiotics for viral colds, however, to prevent secondary bacterial infections from setting up. 1615 Breathing Treatment Run a vaporizer near the dog's sleeping area. Turn the shower on in the bathroom, allowing hot water to run f or a few minutes to create a steam room. Place the dog in the room for 5 to 10 minutes. Either of these measures help relieve nasa budget mobile phones l congestion and keep a sneezing dog breathing more easily. Nose Wiping Keep the dog's nose clean while it recovers from a cold an .

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